River Twine Timeline

Timeline of events for River Twine Holt. Events are sorted earliest first. Display latest first

You can also click the asterisk next to any date to see tribe members alive that year.

Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
4.11.07* A desperate bid to save a friend's life ends in tragedy and mystery. ("Flight for Life", H. Hutchison)
499* Wolfsister and her band of companions part ways with their tribe of origins.
501* Wolfsister and her companions discover the River Twine Holt region and decide to settle. The Holt is founded..  Chieftess Wolfsister gives birth to a son, Badger.
501.09.17* Winter was coming, and it was time for the wanderers to make a fateful decision. ("Home", W. Ware)
508* Burn born to Wolfsister and Redmane.
543.09.26* “I just can’t pick up scents like you do. Or Raincaller. I don’t feel like a wolf. I can’t track. And I really try, but it is just not in me. I want to learn how to hunt so badly, that it almost hurts sometimes.” ("Forever to Practice", L. Aarts)
556.05.30* Firecat tries her best to do what she thinks she should. ("Here I Come", A. Cousins)
559.02.17* With the first spring thaw and the river ice starting to crack, it makes for a fun game for the tribe's reckless youth. ("Spring Thaw", R. C.)
559.11.12* Firecat enjoys watching the wolves. Barkmoss might have a problem with that. ("Belonging to the Pack", )
560.06.22* Spearpoint knows potential when he sees it. ("Potential", L. Cavalier)
562.08.05* Firecat takes a very long walk with an unexpected ending. ("The Solitary Walk", L. Cavalier)
584.05.14* Early morning at the Holt. ("Dawn Guardians", G. C.)
597.08.25* **Wet wolf-like Chieftess, fur dripping, lightning loud and all around, flashes of it arching overhead. Wolfsister shivering, wanting home. ("Hunters' Tales", L. Cavalier)
645.07.17* Wolfsister and Feverease discuss the tribe’s future ("Grooming", C. T.)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
666* Burn becomes chief after a contest of wills with his brother Badger..  Chieftess Wolfsister dies.
669* Foxsly born to Sparrow & Burn.
697.07.04* By the time the chief and his band of hunters could get there, it was all over except for wrapping up their wounded and howling for their dead. ("Mauled", W. Ware)
697.11.15* A drunken prank earns Boldscout a new haircut. ("Drunken Haircut", S. Lindström)
703.06.18* A tribe defends its own. ("Tribal Warfare", W. Ware)
712.02.10* The birth of Badger's first child, Toss. ("Snakebite", W. Ware)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
827* Foxsly becomes chieftess..  Chief Burn and a hunting party are caught out on the grasslands during a summer wildfire. While the hunters all manage to escape, Burn, Bravestride and Raincaller are badly burned and die later of their injuries.
847.01.29* On his Very Long Walk, Dusk is introduced to some of the dangers of Holt territory... ("Crystal Springs", R. C.)
900.09.07* Crest doesn’t do anything. ("Nothing Happens", C. T.)
1010.08.01* Riversong did warn him about a sawtooth’s oh-so-sharp teeth... ("Watch Your Fingers", W. Ware)
1016.09.27* Riversong mourns her wolf-friend Longbird. ("Never Again", W. Ware)
1170.10.20* A new rock-shaper's dire warning sends the tribe packing. ("The Earth-Storm", S. Clawfoot)
1189* A summer of forest fires scorch the Holt; in one particularly bad blaze, four are killed (Blackberry, Ivy, Ambergold & Streak)
1189.08.13* After a long, dry summer with many sudden fires, Ambergold ends up joining the tribe’s plantshapers on an impromptu guard mission. ("Go Toward the Water", S. L)
1208.01.14* A wearied Toss refuses to stop. ("The Children Come First", A. Willis)
1215.10.09* Some elves are born to be different. ("The Love of Rocks", L. Cavalier)
1249.08.03* Recognition is a wonderful thing for the whole tribe, as well as those it strikes... but is it ever perfect? ("A Wonderful Thing", R. C.)
1251* Easysinger born to Foxsly & Reedweaver.
1251.08.01* Foamspray and its fellows had helped to take care of the Highthings for as long as any of them could remember. ("Gentle-Smile Highthing", R. C.)
1278.06.09* Two siblings exchange significant gifts. ("Forging Gifts", W. Ware).  Two siblings exchange significant gifts. ("Forging Gifts", W. Ware)
1371.09.09* Foxsly loved a challenge. ("Loving the Challenge", A. Chandler)
1397.04.10* "The cub was so excited, he didn’t care that he was covered in goose bumps and shivering like a leaf in the wind." ("Hunters' Tales", L. Cavalier)
1399.04.23* Raindrop finds something she didn’t know she needed. ("Gathering Thoughts", A. Cousins)
1400.07.20* When Turtle’s love of fishing is brought into doubt, Thistle has a thing or two to say about it. ("The Sawtooth's Snap", M. Di Carlo)
1403.05.16* "Stoneback cried out and rushed the bear, no longer worried about the plans the group had made, and hoping to save his sister." ("Hunters' Tales", L. Cavalier)
1424.10.15* It wasn’t often they all hunted together, but when they did, the way they hunted always turned out for the best. ("Flowers Fade", L. Cavalier)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
1502* Trolls are discovered; .  Chieftess Foxsly & lovemate Crest track trolls back into an underground labyrinth, and are killed in a troll-made trap..  Easysinger becomes chieftess; her first act as chief is to declare the troll tunnels off-limits to elven exploration.
1502.07.19* When a pair of nosy intruders set off a troll trap and leave rocks everywhere, someone has to tidy up. ("Tidying Up", R. C.)
1510.06.25* It takes more than brute strength to make a winning move. ("Good Move", H. Henderson)
1514* Three drown in a raging spring flood (Carver, Harmony & Riversong).
1572* Kestrel born to Stormdancer & Leather.
1572.03.01* As the arrival of his first cub approaches, Leather realizes that he has more nerves than he thought. ("Handle With Care", A. Cousins)
1592.07.21* Chestnut’s more than a little happy about her new powers. ("Purple Haze", L. Cavalier)
1594.06.09* Did Raindrop hear someone sending for help? ("Two If by Sea", L. Aarts, H. Henderson)
1639.03.22* Dewdrop sings for its fallen friend. ("A Song for Butterfly", C. T.)
1688* "But the pair of them were like littermates, and Wren was hard-pressed to get her younger daughter out of Dove’s den." ("Hunters' Tales", L. Cavalier)
1689* One-Leg born to Dove & Wolfmane.
1690.10.07* Time transforms a pupil into a teacher. ("Moments in Rhyme", C. T.)
1697.07.05* A cub eats a big fish and wins a night flight. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
1707* Blacksnake born to Dove & Wolfmane.
1724.05.20* Ash has a simple task for Muckabout. ("Say My Name", C. T.)
1725.10.31* One race, and then another… ("High-and-Low", C. T.)
1725.11.01* Kestrel and Snaptwig challenge Melody and Axehand to a race. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
1727.02.13* An account of Farscout’s genesis. ("Labors of Love", S. Clawfoot)
1727.02.17* After the whirlwind experience of Recognition, some elves need a bit of alone time to think about it all. ("A Quiet Place to Think", R. C.)
1728.10.20* Hawkcall looks forward to the birth of his son. ("Just a Little Longer", M. H.)
1729* Farscout born to Ice & Hawkcall (already deceased)
1733.08.09* The hills and mountains north above Whitewing Lake were rich with glossy black stone, but for the richly colored obsidian in hues of green, red and purple, or even the most rare clear obsidian, a hunter had to look to the slopes and hills that lay between Greenstone Peak and Lookout Mountain... ("Greenstone Mountain", W. Ware)
1735.05.18* Brightwood’s birth warrants her father Lynx’s asking a jealous boy for a favor to the family… ("Promises", W. Ware)
1738.08.25* Young Briar saves Fawn's life when the toddler falls from a tree. ("Seasons", W. Ware)
1739.05.12* Young Briar goes on his Very Long Walk ("Seasons", W. Ware)
1742.05.20* The best teachers don’t make things easy for the student, especially in rockshaping. ("Doing it in Your Sleep", M. Di Carlo, M. Heilemann)
1742.09.02* Some elf-names are gained by less than noble means. ("All or Nothing", C. T.)
1743* Hope born to Easysinger & Oakhand.
1744* A plague decimates the wolfpack and then affects elves; several die from the disease (story in progress).
1744.03.27* Friends share. ("Being Best Friends", A. Rosbergen)
1745* Chieftess Easysinger is forced to kill Owl after he goes mad, leaving the tribe without a healer (story in progress).
1745.08.02* Two children discuss waiting for their fathers on a summer night. ("In the Stars", W. Ware)
1746.04.12* A mere turn after tragedy for parents, eyes meet eyes and soul meets soul a second time, bringing Summer a renewed hope for their tribe. ("Soul Reunion", R. C.)
1747* Moon born to Stormdancer and Leather. Raven born to Beesting.
1747.12.19* All is calm and bright on the wintry meadow as Kestrel and Beesting take Moon and Raven for a walk. ("Silent Night", L. Cavalier)
1750.01.13* A young Farscout struggles with his preoccupation with Brightwood… ("Losing The Game", W. Ware)
1750.07.15* A father protects those he loves... ("An Old Promise Kept, A New Promise Made", S. Clawfoot)
1753.06.10* With the common, lovelorn peeper came a far less common predator... ("Foreign Tastes", W. Ware)
1830* Suddendusk born to Dove & Skinner.
1846.08.31* Beesting has honeycomb, and the little cub that Sunlight is cubsitting wants some! ("Treewee Wants Beesweets", R. C.)
1850.11.16* Kestrel learns that Axehand can be crafty when making a bet. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
1860.06.06* A pair of interruptions has a common cause. ("Moon and Stars", C. T.)
1870.02.10* As the first responder on the scene after a deadly avalanche, Kestrel struggles to do the right thing, when she cannot know what the right thing really is... ("Summer's Passing", W. Ware)
1909* Newt born (out of Recognition) to lifemates Lacewing, Strand & Turtle.
1909.02.20* Bramble knows she’s supposed to work on her weaving project, but a heavy snowfall distracts her. ("Leaving Tracks", B. Kita)
1909.07.04* Lacewing, Turtle and Strand welcome the birth of their third, special child. ("White as Snow", L. Cavalier)
1909.09.15* Kestrel spends some time with baby Newt to give his parents a much-needed rest. ("Who You Will Become", M. D., M. McCarthy)
1914.05.02* Sometimes Strand and Turtle can’t help but wonder ... ("Son of One, Son of Two", M. Heilemann)
1915* Fairness is a matter of perspective, Birdcatcher comes to realize. ("About Fairness", M. Deinert)
1915.09.18* Cider is Newt’s favorite cubsitter. ("A Helping Hand", L. Cavalier, M. D.)
1916* Newt has some tricky questions before he goes to sleep. ("A Cub Born of Love Only", M. Deinert)
1917.03.10* Why does Chieftess Easysinger call Newt "spirit-cub"? ("Spirit-Cub", M. D., H. Hutchison)
1918* Newt is mortally poisoned by a snowmouth snake and is placed in wrapstuff.
1918.05.01* The homecoming welcome consisted of a single boy riding his yearling wolf headlong up the hunter’s trail... ("Lost & Found", W. Ware)
1918.06.07* When Newt is bitten by a deadly snowmouth snake, his family fights to make a difficult decision. ("Going to Sleep", M. Deinert, C. T., W. Ware)
1918.09.12* Easysinger helps Newt's family to cope after he is wrapped. ("A Pledge to the Sleepers", S. Clawfoot)
1919.10.08* The wrapping up of his daughter brings up some unpleasant memories for Birdcatcher. ("Cracks", M. Deinert)
1931* Starskimmer born to Agate & Dagger.
1937.09.28* You can learn so much about those that have gone before, and even more about those who are here now, just through time and patience. ("Grandfathers", L. Cavalier)
1938.05.14* A look at the life of a remarkable wolf. ("An Uncanny Wisdom", S. Clawfoot)
1938.12.24* When Agate feels low, Shimmer and Dagger want to cheer her up ("Mother’s Gift", L. Aarts)
1949.07.05* An innocent remark has dramatic results. ("New Needles", M. Heilemann)
1950* Snowfall born to Dreamberry & Bearheart.
1955.09.14* Cubsitting for the first time proves to be a challenge to Starskimmer but not in any way like she expected. ("Stuck with a Challenge", M. Heilemann)
1956.01.15* Even a solemn little cub can find joy in the snow. ("Waiting for Snow", A. Cousins)
1957.04.23* For trolls, not all young loves end with marriage. ("One Always Leaves Before The Other", C. T.)
1958.08.22* When a young Snowfall cannot join the rest of the tribe at the swimming hole on a sticky-hot summer night, Stormdancer teaches the child how to swim with the stars ("Swimming in the Stars", W. Ware)
1960.10.26* "Bearheart gazed down into his daughter’s earnest, shining face, and found that words choked him..." ("Trying Her Wings", W. Ware)
1965* Riskrunner born to Easysinger & Blacksnake.
1965.10.15* Snowdrop finds her place in a story. ("Storyteller", M. Heilemann)
1972.10.05* Riskrunner displays his independence while his father reflects on his own strengthening family ties. ("Bonds", C. T.)
1977* Moss born to Cider & Rhythm.
1980.04.03* Riskrunner learns a valuable lesson when his uncle wins a race by less than fair means. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
1985.12.24* The elves marvel at a rare display of the aurora borealis. ("Magical Lights", M. H.)
2000.06.30* Moss tries to catch the strains of an elusive song. ("Song of the Storm", H. Henderson)
2002* True Edge born to Shyheart & Cedarwing.
2002.08.22* A mother worries about her infant son. ("Summer Cold", L. Cavalier)
2003.11.26* Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep. ("Keepsakes", C. T.)
2004.07.08* Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep. ("Keepsakes", C. T.)
2006.09.07* Little cubs can have a lot of questions. ("Why?", M. Heilemann)
2009.05.20* Snowdrop realizes that the answer to her problem might be more obvious than she thought. ("Here All Along", M. McCarthy)
2009.06.03* After weeks of obsessing, Snowdrop decides enough is enough. ("No More Doubt", M. McCarthy)
2010* Moon, sister of Kestrel, dies during a hunt.
2011.04.02* Tunnelrat’s double life comes to a forked path ("Footsteps Into Uncertainty", C. T.)
2012* Bowflight born to Kestrel & Boar.
2012.09.15* Kestrel never realized how much Recognition would change her life... for the better. ("A Change for the Better", M. McCarthy)
2015.03.24* By Thumprint, Age 10. ("What I Learned from My Mother's Job", C. T.)
2017.09.15* The futures of two young trolls are laid down. ("Setting the Cords", C. T.)
2018.07.29* Young Lightgaze confides in his sister as he leaves childhood behind. ("A Cub No More?", M. H.)
2020.08.23* A meticulous task drives Thumbprint to exasperation. ("Frayed", C. T.)
2022.09.12* Sometimes mothers need to learn to let their children grow up. ("Overdrawn Expectations", M. McCarthy)
2038.09.06* A moment from Thumbprint’s apprenticeship. ("Vocational Education", C. T.)
2045* Oakhand, Hunt Leader and Recognized of Chieftess Easysinger, dies during a hunt.
2045.04.20* Blacksnake returns from his first major expedition as hunt leader to a pleasant surprise. ("Finding Warmth", J. Milligan)
2069.06.13* It was only when the bow was in his hand and he was sighting down the straight shaft of an arrow that Bowflight felt his doubts fade. ("Hit Or Miss", W. Ware)
2079* Boar, Recognized of Kestrel, dies during a hunt.
2079.09.29* Kestrel wins a bet, but in a way she never wanted to. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
2086* Cloudfern born to Frost & Lynx.
2091.08.11* Moonmoth learns “be ready” and “tie back your hair.” ("Little Lessons", L. Cavalier)
2094.12.19* Moonmoth plans to give gifts to the whole tribe. ("Better to Give", L. Cavalier)
2096* Finch born to Sunlight & Raven.
2096.04.03* Moonmoth worries that he won't bond with any of the pups from this year's litter either. ("The Last Pup", S. L)
2096.08.12* Farscout failed to notice when the bright afternoon light first began to fail... ("Totality", W. Ware)
2096.10.05* Brightwood & Farscout Recognize ("Seasons", W. Ware)
2097* Whitestag born to Snowfall & True Edge.
2097.11.26* True Edge wanted, more than anything, for his Recognized to become his lifemate. ("Hope Deferred", L. Cavalier)
2097.11.28* The tribe’s first human encounter leads to the deaths of several elves. ("First Contact: Prelude", W. Ware).  He could die right now, bloody and in battle and all would be well because her weight was upon his spine and her scent was in his nostrils. ("Something in the Air", H. Bochart)
2097.12.03* (Newt's Howl) When Newt asks to know about the Fierce Ones' attack, Cloudfern and Farscout are cautious in their retelling of history. ("Fragments of the Story", W. Ware)
2098.01.05* (Newt's Howl) When Newt asks to know about the Fierce Ones' attack, Cloudfern and Farscout are cautious in their retelling of history. ("Fragments of the Story", W. Ware)
2099.09.20* Not long after a great loss, young Moonmoth learns he's inherited a gift. ("Green Fingers", S. Lindström)
2101.03.18* An adventurous cub tests Snowfall’s resilience. ("Cub on the Loose", M. Heilemann)
2118* Flash born to Tallow & One-Leg.
2119.05.06* Tallow shares a once-in-a-lifetime moment with Axehand. ("Vision Through Faraway Eyes", C. T.)
2124.03.28* He laughed. “You said the same thing last turn of the seasons, and owed me four rabbits.” ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
2125.02.16* Flash’s first wolf-bond ends in tragedy. ("Letter of the Law", C. T.)
2130.05.15* A young Flash learns about the aftermath of young Newt's being placed in wrapstuff. ("A Pledge to the Sleepers", S. Clawfoot)
2132.07.19* Slag and Soupstone knew it wouldn't last. ("Prelude to a Parting", C. T.)
2137.04.02* Doeskin rekindles an old flame. ("Once More", C. T.)
2142* Thornbow born to Tallow & Birdcatcher.
2144.10.01* From the first Blacksnake heard her soul-name, he could not take it from his mind... ("A Little Night Music", J. Milligan)
2145.10.22* Littlejab gets his first introduction to the Chieftess' new cub. ("Introductions", J. P.)
2146* Windburn born to Easysinger & Blacksnake.
2146.11.25* (2010 Howls Contest - Brightwood's Howl) The story of Finch's naming. ("Littlesong Grows", J. Milligan)
2149.05.23* Thumbprint learns an astounding truth about her father. ("Into The Smalldark", C. T.)
2149.11.07* Thumbprint meets Trickleclaw. ("Initial Encounter", C. T.)
2150* Suddendusk loses an eye.
2150.04.12* One in the form of a culinary experience. ("Trust Exercise", C. T.)
2150.06.25* After losing his eye, Suddendusk learns that there is more to perspective than sight alone. ("Perspective", H. Henderson)
2154.09.12* Young Starskimmer discovers her inheritance as a rockshaper. ("Tears And Treasure", K. Hansen)
2157.03.23* Redfox is disappointed by his father's reception of a gift. ("The Amulet", W. Ware)
2159.03.01* The search for your soul-name changes you, or so Riskrunner tells it. ("Searches", J. Milligan)
2159.04.16* Littlejab finds his soul-name. ("Heartwood", J. P.)
2159.06.09* Always hungry for something new, Suddendusk tries to rejuvenate hobby and spirit. ("Garnet Guided Reasons", M. Jeffers)
2160.01.27* Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep. ("Keepsakes", C. T.)
2161.10.01* Thornbow puts an awful lot of thought into his new craft. ("Knowing The Wood", A. Cousins)
2164.07.01* One wolf's view of a fateful hunt. ("Sounds and Silence", C. T.)
2164.07.16* In which Axehand comes to terms with a difficult choice. ("Running Through My Dreams", M. H.)
2164.07.17* Doeskin receives a precious gift at exactly the wrong moment. ("All in a Name", C. T.)
2164.07.22* When his brother's life is in danger, Suddendusk only wants to help. ("Out On A Limb", G. C.)
2164.09.13* A glimpse into One-Leg’s private world, and an attempt to look into Willow’s. ("Aches and Pains", C. T.)
2164.10.23* Prior to his renaming, Axehand rebuilds part of his former life. ("Re-Attached", C. T.)
2165* Honey born to Tallow & Birdcatcher.
2165.05.26* One-Leg’s worst and best day ("All In A Name, Part 2", C. T.)
2165.05.29* One-Leg re-affirms his life with a little help from his daughter. ("Another Very Long Walk", C. T.)
2168.04.25* Two riverside moments in Thornbow's and Windburn's friendship. ("Digging Trenches", L. Cavalier)
2169.12.19* If it’s white, it’s snowing. ("Weather-Rock", L. Cavalier)
2170.11.16* Cloudfern and Raven wake up together the evening after their lovemating. ("Lovemate", S. Lindström)
2175* Greenweave born to Nettle & Tossfur.
2175.09.10* When Trip wants a playmate, it’s hard to wait. ("Waiting", L. Cavalier)
2180.08.01* Trip (Honey) attempts to teach Mud (Greenweave) how to fish bare-handed. ("When We Were Young", B. Kita)
2185.01.23* A young Honey finds that finding true love isn’t an easy as she dreamed it would be... ("Winter's Chill", W. Ware, Ellen Million)
2186.02.21* A gift that is Honey's alone. ("A Gift from the Sea", W. Ware)
2187* Fletcher born to Beesting & Snaptwig.
2190.01.28* … is the one Tallcrag can't even ask himself ("The Most Worrisome Question", C. T.)
2196.07.08* After the whirlwind experience of Recognition, some elves need a bit of alone time to think about it all. ("A Quiet Place to Think", R. C.)
2198* Goldspice born to Ice & Riskrunner.
2198.04.24* A pregnant Ice tries to sleep... ("Waiting to Sleep", J. P.)
2203.12.25* A young Goldspice listens to her grandmother, Chieftess Easysinger, tell the origin story of the tribe. ("Grandmother Spirit", W. Ware)
2204.05.10* Ice uses her daughter to get what she wants. ("The Game", L. Cavalier)
2204.06.12* Sparkle realizes there’s more than just dirt in the mud of the river. ("Panning for Gold", L. Cavalier)
2205* Little Goldspice ponders two sapphires. ("Two Gems the Color of the Sky", A. Willis)
2208* Riskrunner, Windburn and Farscout find the body of a drowned troll. Two metal blades are recovered from the body..  Obsessed with her desire to learn the secret of metalworking, Ice attempts to make her way through the troll labyrinth and is killed.
2208.06.11* Brightmetal combats fear with reason. ("Strength in the Tunnels", C. T.)
2208.06.12* The appearance of the elf in an eastern tunnel had thrown all of troll society into a state of organized chaos. ("Leftovers", H. Henderson, C. T.)
2208.06.15* The discovery of brightmetal knives on the body of a dead troll triggers a tragic obsession for goldsmith Ice. ("Brightmetal", T. Driessen, W. Ware)
2208.06.18* Thumbprint makes Bludgeon an offer he dare not refuse. ("Workaround", C. T.)
2208.08.10* Private thoughts are hastily written. ("Lodestone", L. Cavalier)
2209.09.27* Redpike and wife move into a smaller home ("Outrageous Fortune", C. T.)
2210.10.01* The last thoughts of two fathers. ("Dying Thoughts", A. Willis)
2210.10.02* Upon his brother Riskrunner’s death, everything changes for Windburn. ("Flesh & Blood", J. Milligan).  Farscout and Goldspice bond over a shared loss. ("The Bond of Loss", M. Di Carlo)
2222.02.23* (Fletcher's Howl) A minor event becomes something grand. ("Something Missing", C. T.)
2223.11.25* Gauntlet intends to set his son right about his future. ("Dressing Down", C. T.)
2226* Chicory born to Easysinger & Blacksnake..  Blacksnake's muses over his newborn child... ("A Father's Musing", A. Chandler)
2226.03.29* The nut doesn't fall far from the tree. ("Cubname", R. C.)
2230.08.28* Not all elves treasure the same things. ("River Treasures", R. C., L. Cavalier)
2231.07.25* Young Chicory has a close encounter with the biggest game animal in Holt territory. ("A Mountain With Eyes", Gills C.)
2232.05.08* Little cubs grow like meadow grass, but Acorn isn't ready to give up her clothes even if they are getting too small! ("Too Small", R. C.)
2236* Windsong born to Sunlight & Raven.
2236.04.14* Three births during Cloudfern's life. ("Birthings", S. L)
2236.05.18* Sparkle worked long and hard to make something, and she wants the recipient to be the first to see it. ("The Smallest Ornament", L. Cavalier)
2236.08.03* While entertaining herself on a lazy summer afternoon, Acorn sees a group of butterflies doing something very strange indeed. ("Puddling", R. C.)
2246.06.14* Young Windsong meets the wolf she wants for her first wolf-friend... ("Crackbone", W. Ware)
2248.06.12* A monster from Flash’s youth swallows a tribemate. ("Distances Measured", C. T.)
2252.04.16* Whistle moves into a new den. ("Outside", C. T.)
2253.12.21* A young Windsong finds that trading for a Midwinter Gift can prove to be a logistical challenge! ("Twelve Days 'til Midwinter", W. Ware)
2255* Notch is born to Starskimmer & One-Leg..  Rainpace born to Doeskin & Ringtail.
2255.08.01* Having a first cub is always a learning curve but having a first cub like Dash? That is a very steep learning curve indeed. ("Dealing with Dash", A. Cousins)
2255.10.17* One passion leads to another, fuelled by a surprising force of will. ("Try, Try Again", S. Clawfoot)
2256.07.30* If Kestrel loses, she’ll have to curse for a month, but if One-Leg does, he agrees not to. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
2256.09.05* “I’ll wager Dash won’t talk until he’s got something important to say.” ("Say Mama", L. Cavalier)
2258.05.11* An evening of berry-picking turns dangerous. ("Sisters' Night Out", L. Cavalier)
2259.03.27* Dash gets himself a head-start on the New Green Bliss festivities. ("Dye-ing to be Different", M. Di Carlo)
2265.08.02* The end of Doeskin and One-Leg’s relationship. ("Parting Gift", C. T.)
2269.10.24* Young Fletcher is mortally wounded, leaving Farscout to ask questions without any answers. ("Fletcher", W. Ware).  Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep. ("Keepsakes", C. T.)
2270.04.02* When she was young, Chicory always knew she had the best brother. ("Best Brother", A. Cousins)
2288* Whispersilk born to Dreamberry & Bearheart.
2299.04.10* Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep. ("Keepsakes", C. T.)
2303.04.17* The night’s hunt had been very successful... ("A Hunter's Gift", L. R.)
2305* Willow born to Finch & Bowflight.
2305.08.12* Bowflight falls in love again. ("A Father's Love", L. Cavalier)
2309.08.19* Honey encounters a tiny terror. ("Tiny Terror", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2311.05.02* Willow only listens well when it promises a good prank. ("Itchleaf", M. Heilemann)
2311.05.12* All Snowfall hoped for was a quiet night after a hunt. ("Itch", H. Henderson)
2311.06.21* Kestrel takes a moment to reflect on the joys of family. ("A Bird's Eye View", A. Cousins)
2313* Nightstorm born to Dreamberry & Bearheart.
2313.05.09* Young Willow learns an unexpected lesson in a stagnant pool. ("The Snow-Melt Pond", H. Bochart)
2315.05.19* Coyote tries a different approach to rid himself of an adoring cub. Will it work? ("The Challenge", H. Henderson)
2323.07.17* Bladesong spends some quality time with her son. ("Future's Promise", C. T.)
2324.06.15* Blacksnake tries to distract Easysinger. ("Baiting the Trap", A. Chandler)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2325.03.15* Chieftess Easysinger dies, killed by a spirit bear.  Windburn becomes chief.
2325.03.18* Easysinger marks the years of Newt’s long sleep. ("Keepsakes", C. T.).  Easysinger had marked the years of Newt’s long sleep... ("Keepsakes", C. T.)
2325.03.20* After Blacksnake has gotten revenge on his lifemate's killer, what comes next? ("Undecided", W. Ware).  A new chief's first decision is the most difficult to make. ("Taking Up the Torc", W. Ware)
2325.03.21* In her grief, Chicory tries to save two orphaned bear cubs. ("Honeycake & Honeycomb", L. Cavalier, H. Hutchison, W. Ware)
2325.03.25* Windburn’s elevation to Chief leaves Blacksnake stinging. ("Consequences", C. T.)
2326.03.21* (Brightwood's Howl) Brightwood is told about Cloudfern and Starskimmer's Recognition. ("Woven, Retold", L. Cavalier)
2327* Flash flooding takes hunting parties by surprise; several escape, but three elves are killed (Beesting, Sunlight & Tallow).
2327.03.27* (Honey's Howl) Kestrel recounts the death of tribemates during the flood of 2327. ("Red Skies at Night", H. Henderson)
2327.03.28* Snowfall thinks on the death of three of her tribemates, and the event's echoes in the tribe's history. ("Gone But Not Forgotten", L. R.)
2327.06.21* Raven and Cloudfern fail to find the remains of Sunlight, Tallow and Beesting after the trio are drowned in a spring flood. ("Missing", W. Ware)
2327.06.22* It was a surprise to come back to himself and find that he was far out to sea. ("Beyond the Shore (Part 1)", H. Hutchison)
2327.06.24* The only thing he could do to make things right was get himself back to the mainland, back to his daughters and his lovemate, back to the people who needed him. ("Beyond the Shore (Part 2)", H. Hutchison)
2327.06.26* Blacksnake and Cloudfern have a talk after Raven's death. ("Silent Concern", S. Lindström)
2327.06.28* He had two choices left. ("Beyond the Shore (Part 3)", H. Hutchison)
2328* Beetle born to Starskimmer & Cloudfern
2328.03.24* Coyote has one overwhelming thought in the wake of his new sibling’s birth. ("A Brother's Excitement", M. Di Carlo)
2328.03.25* Three births during Cloudfern's life. ("Birthings", S. L)
2328.04.25* Snowfall can’t sew but she has other qualities Brook values. ("A Sister's Secret", M. Heilemann)
2329.09.17* Cloudfern hunts for beads that seem to have disappeared. ("Beads", L. Cavalier)
2330.05.21* Brook certainly couldn't have a crush on Rainpace... could she? ("Not Me", H. Henderson)
2330.10.13* Coyote is left to cubsit his baby sister. What could possibly go wrong? ("Stink-Bug", S. Lucas, W. Ware)
2330.11.09* Bearheart is enjoying a quiet evening with his loved ones. ("What a Lucky Elf", M. Heilemann)
2331.07.22* Starskimmer finds out that plans sometimes change in a heartbeat. ("Another Time", L. Aarts)
2331.07.25* Starskimmer and Beetle have always enjoyed crafting together. ("Working Together", L. Cavalier)
2331.09.06* (Trolls Story) There has to be a way up and out of this... ("Taking Stock", C. T.)
2332* Flash, daughter of Tallow & One-Leg, dies by misadventure.
2332.03.02* Unexpected events end the feud between Honey and Flash. ("Feud's End", H. Henderson)
2332.03.21* Time at the lake leads to a serious conversation. ("Her Own Conclusion", L. Cavalier)
2332.06.15* A curious cub discovers that her family is full of mysteries. ("Family Mysteries", M. H.)
2332.09.19* Brook searches for her soul name and finds another new name along with it. ("Storms in the Night", S. Lindström)
2333.04.09* Cloudfern had no idea he'd end up sharing a den with so many bugs in his lifetime. ("Creepy Crawlies", S. L)
2333.05.18* First, you need the right size object... ("Learning Poke-Hoop", L. Cavalier)
2333.08.28* Laughter helps a “Grumpy Old Bear” learn to laugh again and earns a new name in the process. ("Grumpy Old Bear", L. Cavalier)
2334.09.01* Beetle asks, “Mama, why aren’t you and Papa lifemates?” ("Lifemates", L. Cavalier, K. Hansen)
2335.05.15* Beetle’s curiosity has been in her since birth. ("And Whether Fish Have Wings", A. Cousins).  Coyote's storytelling leads to pleasant dreams for young Beetle... ("Sweet Dreams", R. C.)
2339.07.02* An example of Trollish propaganda. ("Face of the Enemy", C. T.)
2339.07.21* Cloudfern encourages Beetle to experiment. ("Pink", L. Cavalier)
2340.06.15* Beetle doesn’t give up, even when it might get her into trouble. ("Determined", L. Cavalier)
2341.03.09* Even Stillpoint can appreciate some jokes -- but when it comes to safety matters, there's no humor to be found. ("No Joke", R. C.)
2341.03.17* Beetle wants to learn more about Preservers, but not all will cooperate with her. ("Only Some Are Willing", L. Cavalier)
2346* Chicory observes the life of one of her wolf-bonds, Brownblur, from cubhood to old age. ("Paces", R. C.)
2347.08.21* Starskimmer and Beetle have always enjoyed crafting together. ("Working Together", L. Cavalier)
2348* Quick Fang born to Snowfall & True Edge.
2350.04.14* A rainy day improves for Chicory -- thanks to an unexpected friend. ("Chicory's Good Day", S. Clawfoot)
2351.01.16* Young Snowflake and family have a "bite" of a problem... ("Fangs", J. Milligan)
2351.04.22* Whitestag shares old and new thoughts with Fletcher. ("In the Space Between Two Sleepers", C. T.)
2353.05.20* Snowfall uses Snowflake’s mannerisms to get her attention. ("Growling", L. Cavalier)
2353.06.28* Beetle’s not certain she wants to approach someone. ("Initiation", L. Cavalier)
2355* Fadestar born to Stormdancer & Leather..  Stormdancer dies soon after the birth of her daughter.
2355.10.16* Whitestag knows his sister is a handful but he also knows she is very special. ("The Trick to Snowflake", A. Cousins)
2355.12.10* Fadestar born to Stormdancer & Leather; Stormdancer dies of childbirth fever several days later. ("Fadestar", W. Ware)
2356.05.09* Kestrel and One-Leg guess at the gender of Finch and Bowflight’s newly-expected baby. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
2357.06.19* glimpse into One-Leg’s private world, and an attempt to look into Willow’s. ("Aches and Pains", C. T.)
2357.07.29* Snowfall tries to teach her daughter to focus. ("I Spy", L. Aarts)
2358* Pathmark is born to Finch & Bowflight.
2358.08.30* True Edge sees reflections of old tales in his daughter’s behavior on a momentous day. ("Living History", C. T.)
2362* Doeskin is bitten by a venomous spider and dies in her sleep; her lifemate Ringtail and son Rainpace are devastated.
2362.03.02* Ringtail’s grief collides with One-Leg’s. ("Lost Treasure", C. T.)
2362.05.04* One-Leg ponders what Doeskin’s spirit might be up to. ("Where Among the Stars?", C. T.)
2362.12.18* Something has upset her little brother Mouse, but Willow doesn't think she needs to intervene. ("The Way Things Are", H. Henderson)
2363.10.12* Fadestar knows she isn’t like the others. ("I Can't", L. Aarts)
2364.04.23* Fadestar tries to extend her capabilities within the boundaries set for her. ("Extending Her Limits", L. Aarts)
2364.06.30* Fadestar wants to make a friend. ("Persistence", C. T.)
2365* Leather is killed during a hunt; his young daughter Fadestar develops a dangerous fever soon after, and must be placed in wrapstuff
2365.02.09* A simple cardinal triggers a happy memory for Willow. ("Redbird", R. C.)
2365.12.15* Young Quick Fang’s wolf heart is stronger than her doomed playmate Fadestar’s… ("Fadestar", W. Ware)
2366.05.22* Beetle's experiments with wrapstuff stir uncomfortable memories for her father Cloudfern. ("Websilk", W. Ware)
2368* Finch dies; her Recognized Bowflight goes into a dangerous depression.
2368.08.03* In the wake of Finch’s death, Mouse feels he may have lost his father, too. ("Losing Father", L. Cavalier, M. McCarthy)
2368.08.04* Kestrel is determined to help her son find his way. ("Lost Son", M. McCarthy)
2368.08.05* Bowflight rediscovers his reason for living. ("Finding Father", L. Cavalier, M. McCarthy)
2369.05.04* A fishing adventure turns into the answer to a life-long wish. ("Perfect", E. Million)
2371* Dreamflight born to Honey & Greenweave.
2371.04.20* Greenweave makes the most of the good times with his lifemate. ("Happier Moments", L. Cavalier)
2371.05.07* Three births during Cloudfern's life. ("Birthings", S. L)
2371.05.31* Greenweave struggles to create what he sees in his head. ("Easy Isn't Always Best", M. Di Carlo)
2372.04.20* Sometimes help arrives at just the right moment. ("Unasked-for Help", L. Cavalier)
2373.05.15* In sending, there was only truth, and this was the truth... ("Too Much Truth", E. Million)
2376.08.19* Stars couldn’t fall! If they could, then what else in her world could change in an instant? ("Stars Do Fall", L. Cavalier)
2378.09.04* The best of friends do not always the best of lovers make. ("Against Better Judgement", L. Cavalier, B. Kita)
2378.09.10* It might take a while, but opinions can change. ("Never Say Never", H. Henderson, A. K.)
2383.04.19* Coyote earns himself a new name. ("Giving is as Good as Getting", W. Ware)
2385.09.17* (Trolls Story) Silkcraft and speechcraft intertwined. ("Weaving Truth", C. T.)
2389.08.16* Dreamflight earns her tribe-name the hard way. ("Daydream Believer", W. Ware)
2395.02.19* There is no such thing as a simple visit with Trickleclaw. ("A Measure of Security", C. T.)
2397* Foxtail born to Windburn & Whispersilk.
2397.12.12* Windburn faces fatherhood for the first time… and struggles to overcome his own inner demons. ("Newborn Fears", W. Ware)
2399.10.15* A good grandfather knows exactly when to encourage a little dare-devil. ("Growing Upwards", A. Cousins)
2400.05.01* Two riverside moments in Thornbow's and Windburn's friendship. ("Digging Trenches", L. Cavalier)
2400.12.12* A young Foxtail is entertained by her grandfather Bearheart. ("Sneaky Cub", M. H.)
2401.05.19* Moss and Nightstorm don’t always get along. ("Ups and Downs", L. Cavalier)
2401.06.10* As awkward as she is with cubs, Beetle finds that sometimes you have to embrace the chance given. ("Just a Storm", A. Cousins)
2402* Longshot born to Nightstorm & Moss.
2402.04.02* Chicory has decided that this time the New Green will never get here. ("Sick of Winter", H. Henderson)
2403.01.12* The work will have to wait. ("Mother's Work", L. Cavalier)
2405.06.03* Chicory cherishes a final, peaceful afternoon in the woods with her wolfbond Whitetip. ("Heartbeat", R. C.)
2406.08.10* Warm summer nights are the best for washing. ("Doing the Wash", A. Chandler)
2407.06.08* Tremor finds the perfect gift for Goldspice. ("Glittering Gift", A. Chandler)
2410.06.04* Snowfall takes her niece and nephew for a lesson in tracking. ("Training Day", A. Chandler)
2410.10.15* Whispersilk has things to do, but Foxtail wants her attention. ("Work", L. Cavalier)
2413.05.15* Farscout and Quick Fang have a difference of opinion. ("The Fawn", W. Ware)
2413.08.22* Snowfall teaches young Foxtail a valuable lesson. ("Crossing Boundaries", L. Aarts)
2414.03.28* (Mature Themes) There comes a time in every young elf's life when the activites change during New Green Bliss. Foxtail has her own plans. ("Picking Your Prey", A. Cousins)
2414.09.10* Foxtail learns in no uncertain terms that not everyone is ready to welcome her into their lives. ("Push and Pull", )
2415.06.14* Tremor learns a thing or two about the finer points of trapping from his older cousin. ("Minding the Details", M. Di Carlo)
2420.02.05* What keeps you warmest on a cold night? Your friends or your thoughts? ("Three Heads Are Better", A. Cousins)
2420.07.29* Bowflight doesn't mind getting wet in order to have a little fun. ("Splash", L. Cavalier)
2425.12.12* Chicory pursues time and a familiar presence... ("Time Prints", M. Jeffers)
2431.08.21* Quick Fang takes a turn as a teacher. ("Targets", A. Chandler)
2433.07.12* Cog receives another lecture from Stillpoint. ("Control", L. Cavalier)
2433.09.19* Beetle’s curiosity just might get the best of her. ("Explosive Experience (Part 1)", L. Cavalier).  Dreamflight helps Beetle after her experiment explodes. ("Explosive Experience (Part 2)", L. Cavalier, L. Jonk)
2435.07.09* “Tell me again, would you Notch, just what exactly were you doing to get a tail full of quillrat-quills?” ("A Little Family Concern", W. Ware)
2445.07.25* An archery contest settles things among the tribe's best archers… for now. ("The Night Tournament", A. Chandler)
2454.08.15* Once upon a steamy summer night... Longshot & Chicory spend some time together ("Situating", M. Jeffers)
2468.04.12* Human encroachment takes a gradual toll on One-Leg. ("Attrition", C. T.)
2468.08.12* Thunderstorms bring back sweet memories for Farscout. ("Miles From The Lightning", W. Ware)
2468.09.28* After an usually long, hot summer, apples have fermented on the bough, leaving Notch to issue Nightstorm a foolhardy challenge she finds herself unable to resist... ("Autumn Cider", W. Ware)
2469.02.19* The old river is always hungry, and even the most experienced hunters can make a potentially fatal mistake… ("Catch of the Day", W. Ware)
2470.02.27* Faced with a difficult decision, Birdcatcher can only hope for the best. ("All for the Best", J. P.)
2470.03.08* Only days after his Recognized is placed in wrapstuff, Greenweave is reminded that nothing in life is permanent... ("Permanent", E. Million)
2470.03.15* Shortly after Honey is placed in wrapstuff, Greenweave's thoughts return to Cloudfern. ("Yearning", S. Campos)
2470.03.16* The wrapping up of his daughter brings up some unpleasant memories for Birdcatcher. ("Cracks", M. Deinert)
2470.03.20* In the aftermath of Honey’s wrapping, Thornbow only means to offer comfort to his niece. ("Choices", A. Cousins)
2470.08.12* Greenweave moves on and moves out. ("Moving On", L. Cavalier)
2470.08.26* Thornbow does not like complicated things very much. ("Layers", A. Cousins)
2470.09.02* Dreamflight and Beetle have a drunken heart-to-heart. ("Brawl", L. Cavalier).  Misery does not always love company, and Dreamflight just wants things to be the way they were. ("Snap and Run", L. Cavalier)
2470.09.10* Dreamflight finds out that something she doesn’t want is just what she needs. ("Not Wanted", L. Cavalier)
2471.04.12* One-Leg critiques Greenweave's new shirt. ("Form and Function", S. Campos)
2471.05.14* Ebean colonists arrive and settle in the River Twine forest, much to the Holt's dismay ("First Contact (Part 1)", H. Hutchison, W. Ware, J. Milligan)
2473.05.05* (Brightwood's Howl) Suddendusk tells the story of his first Recognition with Windsong. ("Just One Chance", W. Ware)
2475* Evervale born to Windsong & Suddendusk.
2475.04.01* Goldspice admires two rainbows. ("A Rainbow in My Hand", A. Willis)
2475.05.01* With Windsong and Suddendusk’s cub almost born, One-Leg makes a wager. ("Guesses", J. Milligan)
2475.06.11* What's in a name for Windsong... ("Lost In Song", S. Clawfoot)
2480.07.06* A good hunter learns to depend on something other than her sense of sight. ("Scent of Success", A. Cousins)
2483.05.05* Suddendusk experiments with a new form of hunting... ("Skyfishing", S. Clawfoot)
2484.04.05* Human encroachment takes a gradual toll on One-Leg. ("Attrition", C. T.)
2484.04.18* A year of drought affects everyone and everything. ("Parched", A. Chandler)
2484.06.15* Young Evervale wants so badly to learn how Willow gathers honey. Will she succeed in tracking the bee charmer and learning her secrets? ("For The Last Time, No!", H. Henderson, V. Stephenson)
2484.08.05* During a second year of drought, a forest fire overtakes two hunting parties before they can reach safety; six elves are killed (Bearheart, Dreamberry, Cider, Rhythm, Birdcatcher & Ringtail)..  (Honey's Howl) Rainpace relates the circumstances of Birdcatcher's death. ("The Loss of Birdcatcher", A. W)
2484.08.06* Dreamflight thinks of Birdcatcher the night after his death. ("Birdcatcher’s Howl", I. G.)
2484.08.09* It was a small raft, too small to Nightstorm to hold the weight of her sorrow. ("Dreamberry’s Favorite Tunic", J. P.)
2485.05.04* Wolf-bonds aren’t just chosen, they’re formed. ("Not Chosen", L. Cavalier)
2486* Whitestag, son of Snowfall & True Edge, dies in a hunting accident.
2486.03.18* Kestrel and Bowflight observe a change in the wolf pack. ("After A Challenge", L. Cavalier)
2486.06.09* When Starskimmer comes up pregnant outside of Recognition, it's a question who the baby's father might be... ("All the Possibilities", W. Ware)
2486.08.15* Quick Fang and One-Leg lock horns during a fishing trip. ("Turnabout", K. Kliefoth, C. T.)
2486.11.12* A mother needs to deal with her despair after losing her beloved son. ("Conquering Despair", L. Aarts)
2487.09.29* Two daughters and a quiet little tradition — Beetle and Foxtail and what a cub means. ("Threads That Last", A. Cousins)
2487.12.07* What won't a mother do to defend her cub? ("Warrior", J. Milligan)
2488* Otter is born (out of Recognition) to Starskimmer.
2488.02.08* Starskimmer’s good news is bittersweet to One-Leg’s ears. ("It's a Boy!", C. T.)
2488.05.23* Sweetvine meets Otter for the first time, and finds out that he’s perfectly normal. ("Perfectly Normal", L. Aarts)
2488.06.04* Sometimes, even Quick Fang has to submit to the obvious. ("A Different Name", L. R.)
2488.07.10* Chicory’s not happy when Sleuth catches a pond-critter. ("Frog", L. Cavalier)
2488.09.12* Beetle earns some experience in cubsitting. ("Adventures in Cubsitting", M. H.)
2489* Bowflight is killed during a hunt.
2489.03.02* Bowflight's sudden death leaves his his family searching for different ways to cope. ("Landslide", H. Henderson)
2489.06.16* Pathmark had never asked for his friend to be chieftess-wolf of the pack... ("Moonmist", W. Ware)
2489.08.17* Is someone playing a prank on Thornbow and Dreamflight? ("Thief!", J. P.)
2490.04.20* Starskimmer and Blacksnake work well together... ("Harvesting Arrowhead", W. Ware)
2490.06.21* Just a little wager between lifemates... ("The Bet", L. Aarts)
2490.10.28* Sometimes it's good to give a toddler what he's asking for. ("Swim", L. Cavalier)
2490.11.03* With the gray skies and cold rain of early winter comes the wintertime blues for Chicory… ("Dandelion Wine", W. Ware)
2491.05.15* Music is a very personal thing. Weasel would have to agree. ("Everyone's a Critic", A. Cousins)
2491.05.20* Foxtail goes in search of a new wolf friend. ("Foxtail and Red Paw", M. H.)
2491.10.25* Starskimmer’s search for the perfect ingredients for a winter brew gets her into trouble. ("Burr-Nut Blunder", S. Feldpausch)
2492.07.04* Windsong has a little talk with Crackle, her newborn cub. ("First Glance", G. C.)
2492.11.08* Cloudfern urges Farscout to winter over at the Holt. ("Ghosts", W. Ware)
2492.12.22* Starskimmer wakes up to find Otter has gone off somewhere on his own in the middle of the day. ("Water Freezes (And Why This is Bad)", S. L)
2493.05.07* What is a lost cause to some is a new wolf-friend for Notch. ("In the Eye of the Beholder", S. Lucas, W. Ware)
2493.06.06* Windburn unwittingly teaches Crackle her first word... ("Grouch", J. Milligan)
2493.06.24* Silverbite wonders just what Nightstorm, her new elf friend, has brewed in that pot — and why does it smell so interesting?! ("Don't Drink the Dye", R. C.)
2493.09.08* Evervale makes a shocking discovery -- a strange new tribe of humans (the Bukno-Baha) are invading the Holt's forest. ("First Contact (Part 2)", W. Ware)
2493.09.09* The chief and his hunting-party meet up with Farscout and Evervale, to deal with the invasion of their forest by a new group of humans (the Bukhno-Baha). ("First Contact (Part 3)", H. Hutchison).  The chief and his hunting-party meet up with Farscout and Evervale, to deal with the invasion of their forest by a new group of humans (the Bukhno-Baha). ("First Contact (Part 3)", H. Hutchison)
2493.09.10* With a new tribe of humans (the Bukno-Baha) slowly approaching Holt territory, chief Windburn and his hunting party must face the threat to save the tribe. ("First Contact (Part 4)", J. Milligan)
2493.09.12* Farscout and One-Leg backtrack the Bukno-Baha. ("Edge of the World", C. T., W. Ware)
2494.07.07* Foxtail stiffened at the unusual show of affection, then relaxed to enjoy it. Moments like these could be counted on both hands. ("Surprised While Sick", L. Cavalier)
2494.12.20* Otter has a not-so-imaginary friend with whom to share his thoughts. ("Otter's Friend", M. H.)
2495.03.28* Human encroachment takes a gradual toll on One-Leg. ("Attrition", C. T.)
2495.05.04* The Bukhno Baha version of stand-up comedy. ("BAYUMOP", T. Driessen).  Notch and Willow puzzle over a strange human ritual. ("Strange Human Behavior", H. Henderson)
2495.06.05* Mysteries continue to exist in the woodlands, and some may wonder whether Quick Fang is more in touch with her elven self than she realizes. ("Quick Blows of Fortune", M. Jeffers)
2496.04.04* A glimpse into One-Leg’s private world, and an attempt to look into Willow’s. ("Aches and Pains", C. T.)
2496.07.18* Kestrel watched as Snowfall departed, and One-Leg interrupted her thoughts, stating, “You’ll be a pair again someday, I’ll bet.” ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
2496.09.25* Deep currents lurk beneath shallow pools. ("Abstracts", M. Jeffers)
2496.11.24* Snowfall follows her instincts to save a tiny life. ("Bird Saving", )
2497.02.05* A simple cardinal triggers a happy memory for Willow. ("Redbird", R. C.)
2497.07.17* Chicory, Crackle, and Otter explore a river. ("Field Trip", G. C.)
2498.01.05* Evervale is injured while hunting. ("Good Hands", W. Ware)
2498.05.08* A cub meets the world – and something else… ("Out Into the World", J. Milligan)
2498.05.11* Who will give Crackle a little brother? ("Cubs By Request", J. Milligan)
2498.06.02* When chief's heir Tamyon returns with the hunters from the northern slopes of Greenstone Mountain above Sky Mirror Lake, his young wife Nonoli wants to hear every detail. ("Mountain Near Big Lake", R. C.)
2498.06.19* Evervale & Willow come to a mutual understanding ("For the First Time, Yes!", H. Henderson, V. Stephenson)
2498.07.24* Longshot does some bartering while Notch proves he knows how the game is played. ("Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained", A. Chandler)
2498.08.29* Crackle has a lot to learn, and Mushroom a lot to teach her. ("Listen to Mushroom", L. Cavalier, C. T.)
2498.09.15* Somehow, history gets changed when Snowfall tries to tell Crackle a story. ("Changing History", L. Aarts)
2499.05.07* Quick Fang realizes that although independence has its virtues, so too does belonging to a pack. ("Fever Dreams", S. Clawfoot)
2499.05.13* Crackle is in a less than sunny mood.... ("Grumpy & Grumpier", H. Hutchison)
2499.05.15* Trees had always been familiar friends, but this one, from her first glimpse of it at moonrise, had distracted her from her task. ("Hypnotic Bark", E. Million)
2499.05.30* Evervale had always been afraid of the thornwall. Then, it became her duty. ("The Thornwall", E. Million)
2499.06.05* Evervale adjusts to her newly discovered plantshaping powers. ("A Plantshaper's Choice", V. Stephenson)
2499.06.07* Revenge can take many forms... ("Grumpy Revisted", M. Jeffers)
2499.09.04* Good ideas may be gleaned from even a bad scientific method. ("Attitude Decides", M. Jeffers)
2499.09.28* Farscout spends a day at the beach trying to save lives, and maybe improving his own. ("Not on Beds of Down", M. Jeffers)
2499.10.01* After the events in “Attitude Decides”, Chicory continues to experiment with a potentially deadly substance. ("Phantoms", A. Chandler)
2499.10.14* A dare gone wrong and a hard landing. ("Half Done", G. C.)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2500.03.03* Windsong and Suddendusk engage in a seasonal grooming ritual. ("Intertwined", S. Clawfoot, G. C.)
2500.04.21* A new outfit creates an unexpected problem for Dreamflight... ("Dreamflight's Relief", )
2500.05.12* Domestic distractions intrude on troll Scholar Stillpoint's work. ("Tasting Glass", W. Ware)
2500.05.18* Farscout finds unexpected company one afternoon, when most of the tribe is asleep. ("Sleepless in River Twine", J. Milligan)
2500.06.01* Crackle explains why she's hard-pressed to pick a favorite time of the year. ("All The Many Seasons", J. Milligan)
2500.06.07* Out on the hunt, there are some things only an archer can understand. ("Marks Not Missed", J. Milligan)
2500.07.01* Longshot proves that if he can see it, he can shoot it… ("A Nice Shot", W. Ware)
2500.07.19* A rare solar eclipse takes place..  Farscout failed to notice when the bright afternoon light first began to fail... ("Totality", W. Ware).  A routine hunting trip turns into a chance to witness a rare and special phenomenon. ("The Moon-Wolf Swallows the Sun", H. Hutchison).  Thornbow and Pathmark are witnesses to the dance between the sun and Mother Moon… ("Moonlit Tension", J. Normand)
2500.08.01* Hot summer nights and boredom can mean just one thing: Crackle creates trouble for somebody... ("The Task At Hand", A. Chandler)
2500.08.28* When Crackle destroys Moss’s favorite drum, he helps teach the child how to repair an old friend. ("Drumbeat", W. Ware)
2500.08.29* An evening of sharing beesweets for Willow & Notch doesn't go at all as planned. ("A Sticky Situation", H. Henderson)
2500.09.10* Sometimes, Suddendusk finds being a father is hard and sometimes scary work. ("A Little Panic to Start the Day", A. Chandler)
2500.09.26* Even the old marrieds of the Holt have lover's quarrels... ("Admitting", L. Aarts)
2500.10.05* Evervale struggles out from under her father Suddendusk's protective shadow ("Harried Footsteps", S. Clawfoot)
2500.10.08* A bad day gets even worse for Snowfall... ("A Bad Day", L. Aarts)
2500.10.30* Crackle & Otter ponder a mystery of elfin life... ("The Greater Mysteries", J. Milligan).  Notch tries to lift Otter's bad mood. ("Brothers", W. Ware)
2500.10.31* Crackle tells a horror story. ("Ice-Eye & the Stag", J. Milligan)
2500.11.09* Farscout brings his sister Goldspice a gift from his travels. ("Gifts & Memory", H. Hutchison)
2500.11.26* Crackle tries a time-honored method for falling asleep. ("Try Counting Wolves", J. Milligan)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2501.01.01* Untangling knots is what Greenweave does. ("Knots", J. Milligan)
2501.02.14* Suddendusk and Moss have a little talk between fathers. ("Opposites Attract", J. Milligan)
2501.03.01* Suddendusk & Quick Fang Recognize ("Tangled Lives", S. Clawfoot, C. Pruitt).  The first of many ripples from the Recognition of Quick Fang and Suddendusk. ("Aftermath", G. C., S. Clawfoot).  In the wake of unexpected Recognition, Suddendusk, unsurprisingly, worries too much about his daughter Evervale. Again. ("Joys & Difficulties", S. Clawfoot)
2501.03.02* Suddendusk hangs on to the Now for a little while longer before telling young Crackle she's going to get a new sibling. ("Just One More Day", S. Clawfoot)
2501.03.03* Suddendusk breaks the news of his Recognition to his youngest (so far) cub. ("Spreading the News", S. Clawfoot, J. Milligan).  Quick Fang and Suddendusk's Recognition brings up old issues for Thornbow. ("Small Consolation", J. P.)
2501.03.05* The unexpected delay of Recognition's fulfillment has Blacksnake and One-Leg concerned about their brother. ("Doing Nothing", H. Hutchison).  Quick Fang finds she cannot run or hide to escape from the truths of Recognition. ("Gone to Ground", J. Milligan, W. Ware)
2501.03.06* In the wake of a Recognition, Crackle has her own take on things. ("A Howl For Smokelost", J. Milligan)
2501.03.07* Windsong takes a moment to contemplate the changes in her life and lifemate. ("Touch", G. C.).  Quick Fang returns to the Holt. ("Resolution", S. Clawfoot)
2501.03.10* Expecting a grandcub, Snowfall can't help but wonder. ("Looking for Hope", J. Milligan)
2501.03.13* Suddendusk is torn between his feelings for Windsong and not wanting to hurt his family, and the memories of passion with Quick Fang. ("Consumed", T. Driessen)
2501.03.21* Not all dreams are equal... ("A Dream Not Lost", W. Ware)
2501.04.01* Two hunters meet in the deep of the forest. ("Through Other Eyes", J. Milligan)
2501.04.10* Chicory and Windburn share a some mud -- and a peaceful moment. ("Muddy Moments", J. Milligan)
2501.04.21* 2007 River Twine Holt Treasure Hunt Results ("2007 River Twine Holt Treasure Hunt Results ", G. C., A. Chandler, B. Kita, J. Milligan).  Whirl stood just outside of her birthing-den and seemed to be encouraging her newest litter to adventure outside for the first time. ("Three Healthy Pups", A. Chandler)
2501.05.18* Willow makes good on a promise. ("Debts Repaid", H. Henderson)
2501.05.29* Crackle just wants to join the fun. ("Tree Ball", J. Milligan)
2501.06.05* Change snaps at Willow's heels. ("A Thicker Skin", H. Henderson)
2501.07.07* Evervale tries to teach her rambunctious little sister a valuable lesson in silence. ("A Lesson in Silence", V. Stephenson)
2501.08.04* Muddypaws teaches Crackle a new trick. ("Cool Ground, Happy Elf", C. T.)
2501.08.10* A curious cub and a sky-watcher contemplate the stars. ("Points of Light", J. Milligan)
2501.08.25* During an exceptionally hot summer tempers flare among both elves and wolves, but an oddly cool day sends Evervale and Longshot on a mission to relieve some tension. ("An Interlude", A. Chandler, V. Stephenson).  Inkstain was gone, but his words lived on. ("Accidental Eulogy", C. T.)
2501.09.16* A dare is set, and four pranksters set out to the find who does it best. ("Prank War", G. C.)
2501.10.10* Crackle decides she’s just not growing fast enough. Something must be done. ("Dung", J. Milligan)
2501.10.15* For Thornbow and Pathmark, the impact of a lesson lies in its timing. ("Search for Perfection", Beth K.)
2501.10.21* Even for an experienced scout, guarding the Holt's borders can be a life or death struggle. ("Whitechest", W. Ware)
2501.10.22* After Farscout is attacked by a rival wolf pack, Willow and Rainpace are sent to find their elder. ("Secrets", H. Henderson, W. Ware)
2501.10.27* In the sweet depths of the furs, Foxtail presents two suitors with a challenge. ("Knowing By Feel", J. Milligan)
2501.10.28* The lowest wolf in the pack has decided on a new elf-friend… all she has to do is convince Farscout that he wants or needs her, while Farscout himself is distracted with a far more worrisome matter... ("Flea-Bit", W. Ware).  A glimpse into One-Leg’s private world, and an attempt to look into Willow’s. ("Aches and Pains", C. T.)
2501.10.30* Some secrets can only stay hidden for so long. ("The Healer", H. Henderson, B. Kita).  Windburn discovers that Willow isn't the only one keeping secrets. ("Revelations", H. Henderson)
2501.11.03* Windburn's search for answers reveals a rocky road ahead for the tribe's new healer. ("Ripples Outward", H. Henderson)
2501.11.08* Evervale tries to help Willow, but gets another surprise revelation. ("Close to the Edge", H. Henderson, V. Stephenson).  Evervale ponders how to handle her interaction with Willow. ("Hidden Truths", V. Stephenson)
2501.11.15* A dusting-off of some memories in anticipation of sharing. ("The Ancestors She Predated", S. Clawfoot)
2501.11.20* True Edge sees the future in reflections of the past. ("Reflections", M. H.)
2501.12.02* A child of the Ebea drowns in a winter flood, and Kestrel faces an unexpected moral challenge. ("A Lost Child", W. Ware)
2501.12.08* Blacksnake takes matters into his own hands. ("Fight or Flight, Pt. 1", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison).  Blacksnake confronts the tribe's prodigal healer. ("Fight or Flight, Pt. 2", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison).  After the confrontation with Willow, Blacksnake's mind won't let him rest. ("Aftershocks", H. Hutchison).  Beetle ponders a role in helping Willow with her new-found powers. ("All by Chance", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2501.12.15* Willow takes Beetle up on her offer to help. ("Small Steps", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2501.12.24* Foxtail finds something odd late one winter night. ("She Came Upon a Midnight Clearing", A. Chandler)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2502.01.02* Windburn and Whispersilk determine to challenge themselves, in the wake of a second Recognition. ("Second Chance", W. Ware)
2502.01.04* Willow finds that there are consequences to pushing herself too far. ("In the Other Direction", H. Henderson)
2502.01.05* Willow and Blacksnake have a talk about responsibilities and pushing oneself too hard. ("Bonding", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison)
2502.01.10* They’d gone through that together… and now, this time, Blacksnake had left him out. ("Pieced Together", H. Hutchison)
2502.01.20* Asking Goldspice for a present for Quick Fang, Foxtail gets more than she bargained for. ("Precious Things", J. Milligan)
2502.02.02* A late winter's snowfall leads to reflection for Greenweave. ("Fresh Fallen Snow", H. Henderson)
2502.03.10* Tragedy strikes, and a split family must cope. ("Love and Loss", J. Milligan)
2502.03.13* Windburn seeks True Edge’s counsel and gets more than he bargained for. ("Hard Choices", M. H.)
2502.03.14* Blacksnake and True Edge work through a disagreement. ("Meeting of Minds", M. H.)
2502.03.16* In the wake of Crawfish's death by human hands, Blacksnake pushes through with old plans. ("Plans", J. Milligan)
2502.03.17* Human encroachment takes a gradual toll on One-Leg. ("Attrition", C. T.).  Blacksnake decides it's time to remind the chief of old plans. ("Nothing New", H. Hutchison)
2502.03.19* The potential of Willow's healing powers herald a change in Greenweave and Cloudfern's relationship. ("A Changing Season", S. Campos)
2502.03.20* Snowfall seeks out Cloudfern after a small accident. ("Words and Salves", S. L)
2502.03.21* The New Green Bliss brings with it an unexpected challenge for Longshot. ("Ambush", C. T.).  Notch changes tactics in an attempt to get back on Willow's good side. Willow finds it's best to forget. ("Normal", H. Henderson)
2502.03.22* Willow could touch others again. Had Willow really lied to him? The thought stung. ("Morning After", L. Cavalier)
2502.04.01* When patience leads to inaction, it’s time for a challenge. ("Patience", L. Cavalier).  Pathmark works to fulfill his side of an agreement with Beetle and finally approaches Evervale. ("Confession", L. Cavalier, V. Stephenson).  A curious cub wants to know. ("Rooter", L. Cavalier).  Willow fixes damage that began long ago. ("Cause and Effect", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison).  Notch and Willow's misunderstandings escalate. ("Strange Behavior", H. Henderson)
2502.04.04* Windburn learns of his father's disobedience, and must decide what to do about it. ("A Lesson Re-Learned", H. Hutchison)
2502.05.20* For Notch, a round of Taal is just the first game of many. ("Tokens", C. T.)
2502.06.10* Chicory’s renewed experimentations provoke an unexpected rescue. ("Chokecherries", W. Ware, M. White)
2502.06.29* Notch wants Beetle’s help and finds a way to get it. ("The Third", L. Cavalier)
2502.07.17* An unauthorized response to the death of a wolf-friend. ("Move, Counter-Move", J. Milligan, C. T.)
2502.07.20* Snowfall decides to play a game of hide and seek with True Edge ("Snowfall in Hiding", M. H.)
2502.07.21* Even with a healed leg, One-Leg feels haunted. ("Sparks", C. T.)
2502.07.29* Silence can be deafening. ("Too Quiet", L. Cavalier)
2502.07.30* Beetle and Willow’s first conversation after the shunning. ("After the Silence", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2502.07.31* Beetle and her new wolf-friend go through some growing pains when it comes to acceptable behavior. ("Bad Pup, Good Pup", A. Cousins)
2502.08.04* An accidental near-encounter with humans in the deep woods has a deep affect on Moss. ("The Drummer's Dilemma", H. Bochart)
2502.08.07* One-Leg asks for help that only Beetle can give. ("Hope", L. Cavalier, C. T.)
2502.08.19* Beetle had had a very long day, and she was exhausted, but something was wrong. Rather — someone was missing. ("Longing in the Sun", L. Cavalier).  When friends won't forgive one another, sometimes the issue needs to be forced. ("The Setup", H. Henderson).  Making up with Notch makes Willow realize how much things have changed. ("Tangles", H. Henderson).  “Any idea what Greenweave meant when he said I’d be untangling something? Your hair didn’t take long at all!” ("Untangled", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2502.08.20* Dreamflight accidentally overhears a private conversation... or so the story goes... ("Rumors", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2502.08.21* A wary Windburn asserts his authority. ("One Too Many", C. T.)
2502.09.05* Hearing all the sides of the humans problem, Windburn finds a different answer. ("The Other Path", J. Milligan)
2502.09.10* Removed from his lovemates’ lives temporarily, Pathmark turns to his new duties and new mentor to bury his concerns. ("Finding One's Balance", A. Cousins)
2502.09.22* Windburn brings his plans concerning the humans to council, and a long journey begins. ("The First Step", J. Milligan)
2502.10.01* In the wake of Windburn's decision, Foxtail faces herself and her capacity for anger. ("Shedding the Old", A. Cousins)
2502.10.05* Evervale shares with her lovemates how she felt about the first human language word-hunt. ("Home Again", V. Stephenson)
2502.10.07* Taking the lessons learned in the wake of their prank and punishment, Notch and Foxtail reunite and aim to use their brains (as well as the usual things). ("New Tricks, Old Treats", A. Cousins, S. Lucas)
2502.10.15* Farscout makes a troubling discovery. ("Buried Kin", M. H.).  Kestrel contributes to the word-hunt. ("Amber", C. T.)
2502.10.19* Dreamflight implements a new way to help Willow hone her powers. ("Accidentally On Purpose", H. Henderson)
2502.12.23* All Quick Fang wants is a nap but her unborn cub has other plans. ("One Quiet Evening", A. Chandler)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2503.01.10* In the wrapstuff den, Crackle tells a story. ("Suresinger's Tale", J. Milligan)
2503.01.19* Snowfall ponders about helping out Kestrel, by recalling their shared past. ("Reminiscence and Reflections", L. Aarts)
2503.01.20* Old bonds are reformed even as new ones are forged ("Family", M. H.)
2503.01.28* Snowfall has some news to share with her little sister. ("Something Old, Something New", M. Heilemann)
2503.02.04* One-Leg has a one-sided ‘conversation’ with sleeping Fletcher. ("Practice Makes Perfect", C. T.)
2503.02.15* Kestrel lectures True Edge about his lack of imagination. ("Clouds", M. H.)
2503.03.24* As Suddendusk & Quick Fang’s child nears birth, Windsong takes a chance for some solitary reflection. ("Unbound", W. Ware)
2503.03.25* Rill born to Quick Fang & Suddnedusk..  The arrival of Suddendusk and Quick Fang's cub. ("Ripples and Rippleshells", S. Clawfoot)
2503.03.28* The new cub needs a new name, and it turns into a family game. ("The Naming", S. Clawfoot)
2503.03.29* True Edge and Quick Fang struggle with a cranky cub. ("Something so Small", M. H.)
2503.03.31* Left alone with her new cub, Quick Fang is at a bit of a loss. ("Ways of Thinking", A. Cousins)
2503.04.03* Crackle wants to help her baby brother understand life with adults. ("Crackle Explains Life", M. H.)
2503.04.15* Farscout muses on his own motivations. ("Farscout's Sonnet", S. Clawfoot)
2503.04.16* Notch offers Willow a reprieve from her burdens. ("Escape Plan", C. T.)
2503.04.24* Willow steels herself for fulfilling the tribe's promises. ("Willow's Hands", S. Clawfoot)
2503.04.26* Foxtail has a favor to ask from Nightstorm. ("Changing Your Skin", A. Cousins)
2503.04.28* Quick Fang needs to hunt. ("Expressed", L. Cavalier).  With release of the wrapstuffed elves on the horizon, the past haunts Windburn and Thornbow. ("Regrets", J. Milligan)
2503.05.01* A spring evening on the Holt’s River nearly means a life lost for the tribe. ("Never Too Stubborn", W. Ware)
2503.05.03* After nearly drowning, Otter’s not out of the water -- and the repercussions of his accident cast its own ripples upon the tribe’s fledging healer… ("Tomorrows", W. Ware)
2503.05.04* Willow discovers the reasons behind True Edge's misgivings. ("Small Victories", M. H.)
2503.05.09* Otter's near drowning spells new maturity not just for him. ("Life Lessons", J. Milligan)
2503.05.12* True Edge shares an early memory with his mates. ("Earliest Memories", M. H.)
2503.05.16* Honey is unwrapped from her long sleep. ("Imperfect", E. Million).  Flash’s memory looms over current events. ("Easy Winnings", C. T.)
2503.05.17* Howl held to welcome Honey back to the tribe..  (Honey's Howl) During Honey's Howl, Rainpace relates the circumstances of her father's death. ("The Loss of Birdcatcher", A. W).  (Honey's Howl) Kestrel recounts the death of tribemates during the flood of 2327. ("Red Skies at Night", H. Henderson).  (Honey's Howl) Dreamflight has a story best not told at Honey's Howl. ("Tale Not Told", L. Cavalier)
2503.05.18* A misunderstanding leads Willow to hold back. ("Out of Character", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2503.05.24* After the first of the tribe’s sleepers is unwrapped, Nightstorm finds an unexpected supplicant at her door. ("Unwrapping Hope", W. Ware).  A prank is set into motion to teach Honey the error of her ways. ("To Teach a Lesson", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson, E. Million).  Thornbow tries to deal with his sister's troubles. ("Encouraging Words", J. P.).  Words remembered help Honey find peace, but it’s short-lived. ("Weight of Words", L. Cavalier)
2503.05.25* A fight that has been brewing for a long time. ("Moon Rise", A. Chandler).  A pleasant evening for Evervale and Pathmark turns into something else altogether. ("The Calm Before the Storm", V. Stephenson)
2503.05.29* Willow's encounter with an old foe has unforseen consequences. ("Old Greedygut", H. Henderson)
2503.06.06* Dreamflight has finally reached a breaking point. ("Enough", L. Jonk).  Honey needs a new den, but needs to ask nicely. ("Ask Nicely", L. Cavalier)
2503.06.11* Beetle wants brown, but Nightstorm has a different idea. ("Not Brown for Beetle", L. Cavalier)
2503.06.12* Beetle and Willow take an evening trip to try and forget about upcoming worries. ("Reprieve", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2503.06.13* Even the most composed of elders has worries simmering when it comes time to unwrap a loved one. ("Uncertainty", H. Henderson)
2503.06.14* Fadestar awakens, and nothing's the same. ("Shattered Daydreams", L. Aarts, H. Henderson)
2503.06.15* Rainpace comes face to face with a thief and earns an adventure story of his very own. ("To Trap a Thief", M. H.)
2503.06.20* Fadestar finds out that Nightstorm isn’t scared away easily. ("Kindred Spirits", L. Aarts).  Otter remembers an old wish. ("Otter's Little Brother", M. Deinert)
2503.06.22* Howl held to welcome Fadestar back to the tribe.
2503.06.23* "Newt was such a special cub and isn't that just fitting? Such a special cub for such a special relationship to make it such a special family." ("Special", M. Deinert)
2503.06.27* Newt wakes from his long sleep in wrapstuff, only to find that his world has dramatically changed. ("Waking Up", W. Ware).  The last two members of Cloudfern and Greenweave's family present themselves to Newt. ("Family Bonds", S. Campos)
2503.07.01* The homecoming welcome consisted of a single boy riding his yearling wolf headlong up the hunter’s trail... ("Lost & Found", W. Ware)
2503.07.02* Howl held to welcome Newt back to the tribe..  Crackle gets as good as she once gave. ("Twice Shy", J. Milligan).  (Newt's Howl) One-Leg answers one of Newt’s many questions ("How Does it Feel?", C. T.).  (Newt's Howl) Windsong tells Newt of how Windburn became her chief. ("The Empty Den", J. Milligan).  (Newt's Howl) When Newt asks to know about the Fierce Ones' attack, Cloudfern and Farscout are cautious in their retelling of history. ("Fragments of the Story", W. Ware)
2503.07.05* Newt struggles with the gift of his brother. ("Empty", M. Deinert)
2503.07.06* Fadestar wants to comfort Newt, but instead, gets comforted herself. ("Shared Experience", L. Aarts, M. Deinert).  Newt struggles to find a place in the new tribe. ("New Roots", S. Clawfoot)
2503.07.07* Windburn and others watch as Fletcher's cocoon is opened. ("Fourth", H. Henderson).  It's hard to stay lonely when you're surrounded by love. ("Surrounded by Love", R. C.)
2503.07.08* A memorial Howl is held for Fletcher..  Four cocoons opened, and One-Leg had lived to see it happen. ("Alive", C. T.).  (Fletcher's Howl) A minor event becomes something grand. ("Something Missing", C. T.)
2503.07.10* Fadestar and Crackle both have fears to face. ("Shadowplay", J. Milligan)
2503.07.11* Fletcher’s death makes Fadestar realize what she wished for. ("Processing", L. Aarts).  ”Wisdom is like a tree, growing with the tribe.” ("True Stories", J. Milligan)
2503.07.12* After Fletcher’s death, the unwrapped cubs want to support Brightwood. ("Handprints for Hope", L. Aarts, M. Deinert)
2503.07.13* Fletcher's sudden death stirs doubts and memories, with far-reaching repercussions. ("A Long, Difficult Path", L. Cavalier, S. Lucas, E. Million, W. Ware).  Recent events interfere with a word-hunt. ("Loss for Words", L. Cavalier, C. T.).  Farscout had waited too long for his lifemate to lose Brightwood now, not like this, not without him there at his Recognized’s side... ("Brightwood", R. Vardys, W. Ware).  Thornbow knew far too keenly what it meant to feel like second best. ("Second Best", W. Ware)
2503.07.14* In the aftermath of Brightwood's healing, Chief Windburn must decide what to do about Willow's actions. ("The Morning After", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison, C. T., W. Ware).  Brightwood begins her adjustment process to a new time and new tribe… ("Survivors", W. Ware).  Good or ill, you had to own the ripples of the rocks you threw into that big pond that was your life. Run away, and the ripples would turn to waves that would catch you up and try to drown you. And, High Ones, what Willow was facing now were definitely waves. ("With You", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson, C. T.)
2503.07.15* Goldspice mourns a lost friend … for the second time. ("Not Forgotten", T. Driessen).  Newt reaches out to Beetle. ("Making Time", L. Cavalier).  The elders show Willow memories of Healer Owl’s last days in an attempt to show her why her recent actions angered so many in the tribe. ("The Lesson of the Last Healer", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison, W. Ware).  Some memories are best shared with friends. ("Safety in Numbers", P. B., L. Cavalier, A. Cousins, S. Lucas).  True Edge tries to come to terms with recent events in the light of old, shared memories. ("Making Sense of it All", M. H.).  Just hours before Willow's sending-punishment for healing Brightwood without permission, the healer's lovemate, Beetle, is on her mind. (graphic story) ("Apologies", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2503.07.16* Brightwood grapples with waking up after centuries in wrapstuff by finding ways to grasp her new reality in both hands… ("Shaping a New Home", R. Vardys, W. Ware)
2503.07.17* A strange human ritual helps ease Kestrel's sadness. ("A Grandmother's Sadness", M. McCarthy)
2503.07.19* Beetle can’t just let Willow freeze. ("Intervention", L. Cavalier)
2503.07.20* During her four-day shunning, Willow tries to come to terms with what she's learned about her misdeeds and comes to some self-realizations. ("I Am Not Him", H. Henderson)
2503.07.22* Howl held to welcome Brightwood back to the tribe..  (Brightwood's Howl) Suddendusk tells the story of his first Recognition with Windsong. ("Just One Chance", W. Ware).  (Brightwood's Howl) Brightwood is told about Cloudfern and Starskimmer's Recognition. ("Woven, Retold", L. Cavalier).  (Brightwood's Howl) The story of Finch's naming. ("Littlesong Grows", J. Milligan)
2503.07.23* Dreamflight feels that things are not as they should be. ("As It Should Be", L. Cavalier).  The morning after her Howl, Brightwood shares a sunrise with an old friend. ("The Lady's Measurements", H. Bochart).  Marks from past events run more than skin-deep. ("Scars", H. Henderson)
2503.07.24* Honey makes changes in her life. ("Too Many Tears", E. Million).  Farscout relates a story to Brightwood about when he and Quick Fang had a difference of opinion. ("The Fawn", W. Ware)
2503.07.25* Cloudfern learns that the most unsettling dreams are the ones that repeat themselves. ("Rare Days", S. L).  Both Willow and Windburn need to rethink the problems that lie between them. ("The Roots of the Problem", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison)
2503.07.26* Brightwood wanted to talk to Willow, but the timing never seemed quite right... until now. ("Crossing Paths", H. Henderson, R. Vardys).  Beetle was certainly acting strangely... but why? ("A Song For You", H. Henderson).  Honey finds some unexpected help in her quest to become a hunter. ("A Hunt of Her Own", M. H.).  Cloudfern’s anger causes him to lash out. ("Angry and Unreasonable", L. Cavalier)
2503.07.27* Memories and Cloudfern have never been friends, especially not after his recent fight with Beetle. ("Forgotten Regrets", S. L)
2503.07.28* Perhaps the best way to solve their problems was to depend on one another. ("Shared Burdens", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2503.08.08* Newt and Dreamflight find a common interest, one that Dreamflight doesn't approve of. ("Bird Calling", L. Jonk)
2503.08.09* Maybe Willow had healed more than just the snakebite. ("Crackle and Burn", L. Cavalier)
2503.08.17* Starskimmer experiments with her recipes and finds that the clean up afterwards can be very rewarding. ("A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That", M. H.)
2503.08.20* Honey finds frustration in her training to be a hunter. ("Letting Go of Expectations", E. Million)
2503.08.21* Farscout and company take on some extreme measures to make Brightwood laugh. ("Thistles and All", J. Milligan)
2503.08.30* A simple set of leathers bears a challenge for Cloudfern. ("As Tough as Leather", M. Deinert).  Newt learns what lies at the heart of Dreamflight's continued avoidance. ("Old Tangles, Fresh Snarls", S. Campos, M. Deinert).  The hills and mountains north above Whitewing Lake were rich with glossy black stone, but for the richly colored obsidian in hues of green, red and purple, or even the most rare clear obsidian, a hunter had to look to the slopes and hills that lay between Greenstone Peak and Lookout Mountain... ("Greenstone Mountain", W. Ware)
2503.09.05* The hulking old snapping turtle stood its ground, glaring balefully at the four cubs and two wolves who surrounded it... ("Old Snapper", W. Ware)
2503.09.08* Remembering can be a gift for both the Preservers and for those they favor. ("Is What We-Things Do", M. Deinert, W. Ware)
2503.09.12* Rainpace can't sleep and decides to go set some traps during the day. It turns out he isn't the only one awake... ("Humans and Berries", S. Lindström)
2503.09.14* Cloudfern has been out all night for a hand of nights and only gets in as the sun is rising. Newt is very curious about what Cloudfern is doing. ("Sun-oil", S. Lindström)
2503.09.15* Evervale is injured in a hunt and confronts her unease with Willow’s powers. ("Healing of Another Kind", V. Stephenson)
2503.09.21* The human word-hunt has personal value for Moss. ("I Want To Sing Their Songs", C. T.)
2503.09.22* Snowfall and Slychase hunt alone. ("Snowfall's Hunt", M. H.)
2503.09.27* Dreamflight reluctantly takes Newt birdwatching. ("Catching Up", L. Cavalier, M. D.)
2503.10.03* Whispersilk makes a change in her own way. ("Seasons' Weaving", J. Milligan)
2503.10.15* “Coriander, you feel for my husband’s heir the way you ought to feel for your husband.” ("Truths", L. Cavalier, J. Milligan)
2503.10.21* Fate brings together two close friends during a fishing trip. ("Not Fishing for Fish", G. Schroeder, M. White)
2503.10.22* With a cub on the way and a worrisome mate, Chicory has some decisions to make. ("Unacceptable Risks", R. C.)
2503.10.23* Unexpected feelings cause Kestrel, Snowfall, and True Edge to rethink their priorities. ("Priorities", M. H., M. McCarthy)
2503.10.25* Honey and Mooncrier experience an important moment in the building of their bond together. ("Same for Me", M. H.)
2503.12.19* Fadestar shares a private ritual with her new friends. ("Falling Stars", W. Ware)
2503.12.22* Windsong wants a little fresh meat. ("Tender", A. Chandler)
2503.12.23* Evervale reminisces during a blizzard. ("Memories in the Snow", M. H.)
2503.12.25* Fadestar helps Beetle to fulfill a cub’s dream. ("Snow Shapes", L. Aarts)
2503.12.27* Moss is one of many who tries to help a crying baby. ("No Gift to Bring", L. Cavalier)
2503.12.28* Cinder born to Whispersilk and Windburn..  The birth of a second child to the tribe's Chief can mean a challenge for the firstborn. ("Cinders", A. Chandler, W. Ware)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2504.01.17* He pressed a hand beneath his stinging nose, wondering how the humans could stand it. ("Tangy and Sweet", H. Bochart, L. Cavalier)
2504.02.13* It might take a while, but opinions can change. ("Never Say Never", H. Henderson, A. K.)
2504.02.28* When given the chance, Foxtail decides to educate her little brother on her feelings. ("A Frank Discussion", A. Cousins)
2504.03.30* Moss and Goldspice enjoy percussion even without drums. ("The Rhythms Between Them", L. Cavalier, A. Cousins)
2504.04.12* Fadestar overcomes yet another boundary with a little help of her friends. ("Harmony", L. Aarts)
2504.04.15* A tragedy interrupts conflict between the chief and his heir. ("Tempests", W. Ware).  Snowfall struggles with new and old grief after her sister’s death. ("A Hole in the World", M. Heilemann)
2504.04.17* In the wake of a tragedy, Willow faces echoes of her past to help a friend. ("Common Ground", A. Cousins, H. Henderson).  His son might still die. Unless he got there in time to do something about it. ("The Storm's Passing", H. Hutchison)
2504.04.18* A candle bowl made in love gets passed back and forth when the need arises. ("Bowl of Memories", L. Cavalier)
2504.04.19* A wolf-friend tries to come to grips with the death of a bond. ("Not Quite Right", T. Driessen).  Foxtail's worldview faces change and challenge in the wake of her mother's death. ("The Mourning After", A. Cousins)
2504.04.20* Quick Fang offers Foxtail a place to rest. ("Rest for the Weary", L. Cavalier)
2504.04.22* Autumnleaf follows a grieving Fadestar and makes a remarkable proposition. ("Autumnleaf", L. Aarts)
2504.04.26* Could Willow help others make milk? ("Making Milk", L. Cavalier)
2504.04.29* Beetle would not have been Quick Fang’s first choice as a wet nurse for Cinder. ("Beetle Makes Milk", L. Cavalier)
2504.05.02* Honey can only dread Willow making her milk come in. ("An Unexpected Gift", H. Henderson)
2504.06.15* Copper is born to Brightwood and Farscout. ("Copper", W. Ware)
2504.08.03* Honey finds that the end of being needed leaves room for other things. ("Breathing Again", H. Hutchison, E. Million)
2504.08.20* Brightwood and Thornbow consider bows, shaping, magic and change. ("Shapers", J. Milligan)
2504.09.07* Pathmark finds a new helper in the storage dens after a productive night at the traps. ("An Extra Pair of Hands", A. Cousins).  After her encounter with Pathmark, Foxtail takes her tale to another but keeps some of the details left unsaid. ("First Flush", A. Cousins)
2504.09.25* Cinder wakes up Windburn to an awkward situation. ("Chief of Sucklers", J. Milligan)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2505.03.14* A sleepless day is a joy for Kestrel. ("Sleeping", L. Cavalier)
2505.05.20* Newt improves his pouncing skills while aiding others. ("Two Will Do When One Will Not", C. L)
2505.06.15* A hunter does not have to make a kill in order to contribute. ("A Summer Hunt", W. Ware)
2505.10.20* Rainpace and Chicory get interrupted during an argument. ("Glow's Birth", P. B., R. C.).  Instead of celebrating, Thornbow suddenly is faced with a different task. ("Like Wine and Leather", M. Deinert, M. Heilemann)
2505.10.30* With a glint in her eye that promised something scary, Crackle began… ("Horn-Hand", L. Cavalier)
2505.11.04* A crying cub and a lullaby bring some old friends together again. ("Changes", P. B.)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2506.02.20* Rainpace finally forces Foxtail to face both his daughter and her own concerns. ("Daughters", A. Cousins)
2506.03.25* A relationship grows on a warm spring night. ("Taking Root", J. P.)
2506.04.13* With a screaming child and a haunting melody, word hunting begins to take on new meaning for Rainpace. ("A Lullaby's a Lullaby", H. Bochart)
2506.04.15* A close brush with death shows Thornbow that he is more needed than he thought. ("A Perfectly Good Shirt, Ruined", H. Bochart)
2506.04.29* Foxtail shares some thoughts about cubs with Beetle. ("Cubs of All Sorts", A. Cousins)
2506.05.11* A night at the baths masks illicit business. ("Into Hot Water", )
2506.05.30* Putting a cub to bed is never easy. Times that by three. ("Questions Before Bed", A. Cousins)
2506.06.04* Crackle finds that not everything comes easy, while Otter discovers an unexpected talent. ("Keenblaze", W. Ware)
2506.07.02* For Rainpace, becoming a father had changed his life, but some changes are difficult to deal with. ("The Price of Priorities", P. B.)
2506.07.04* Brightwood is not content to wait for the humans to find their way onto THIS side of the Thornwall... ("Fresh Perspective", R. Vardys, W. Ware)
2506.07.15* Newt has watched the others play treeball for nearly a turn of the seasons. When can he play? ("Playing the Game", H. Henderson)
2506.08.15* Notch does what Notch does best - be a downright awful little sneak. ("You Know You’re Right", A. Cousins)
2506.08.19* Foxtail is given an opportunity to join the word-hunters. ("Earned", L. Cavalier)
2506.09.26* One-Leg and Brightwood hash out their differing outlooks on humans. ("Coming to an Understanding", C. T., R. Vardys)
2506.10.10* Sometimes it’s hard to accept a change in an old friend. Harder if there is doubt behind it. ("Unwanted Attention", A. Cousins)
2506.12.10* Beetle has to face the consequences of her choice. ("Ah-Choo", A. Cousins)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2507.02.06* “Don’t cry,” murmured a gentle voice at her shoulder. “Please don’t cry.” ("A Smile Like the Sun", W. Ware)
2507.04.03* Beetle appreciates a warm welcome back to the Holt... No matter who is giving it. ("Against the Rain", A. Cousins)
2507.04.28* Fadestar and Greenweave share knowledge. ("Weaving Together", A. Cousins)
2507.05.15* The gift of music comes easy to some, others have to show some persistence. ("Dissonance", M. Deinert)
2507.06.05* Life at the lower tier of Troll society offers few creature comforts. Quartz offers several. ("The Smell of Soap", C. T.)
2507.07.10* True Edge struggles with caring for a troubled she-cub. ("Someone Else's Daughter", M. H.)
2507.07.30* A frustrated Newt finds a willing flute teacher. ("Too Little Progress", P. B., M. Deinert)
2507.08.12* Glow wants attention, but, for Willow, it's proving to be a headache. ("Splitting Hairs", H. Henderson)
2507.08.20* Sometimes Beetle finds it hard to make Rooter understand. ("Communication Issues", A. Cousins)
2507.09.08* It was a shot that everyone would be talking about for a long time to come. ("Best Shot", L. Cavalier, W. Ware)
2507.09.16* Glow’s multilingual upbringing takes shape. ("Tree", C. T.)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2508.01.16* A simple child's game turns disturbing for both father and daughter. ("Memory Games", W. Ware)
2508.03.02* Newt goes looking for one thing and finds something quite different. ("Of All Things", A. Cousins)
2508.03.15* Both Honey and Newt know love can change. ("The Taste of Love", M. Deinert)
2508.03.17* The huntress wanted to move forward, today. And she knew what she had to do. ("Some Dignity", L. Cavalier)
2508.03.23* Kestrel realizes she doesn't need a disaster to make a change. ("Candlemaking", L. Cavalier, M. McCarthy)
2508.05.09* A brewing fight between Honey and Foxtail turns into a night of remembering. ("More Than Just Flowers", L. Cavalier)
2508.07.24* Two sisters grow closer on the Very Long Walk. ("Moving Forward", L. Aarts, M. McCarthy).  When one journey ends, another begins. ("Newborn Dreams", M. H., M. Heilemann, M. McCarthy)
2508.09.01* Chicory and Beetle find more than they expected. ("From the Belly of the Boar", R. C., L. Cavalier)
2508.09.15* Newt and Rainpace share more than one common interest. ("They Are Like Us in Many Ways", P. B.)
2508.10.08* Newt’s path toward adulthood is much longer and rockier than he expects. ("A Very Long Walk Indeed", H. Bochart, A. Chandler)
2508.10.21* All it takes is being in the right place at the right time... ("Right Place, Right Time", R. Swartzendruber, W. Ware)
2508.10.26* Newt gets some help when testing a newly crafted lure at Badger Lake. ("A Last Taste of Summer", W. Ware)
2508.11.16* “I miss having someone to den with, though. I’d love it if you moved in. Then, you wouldn’t have to ask anyone to open this old one for you. I can only imagine what it’d be like to go back in there.” ("A Den of Her Own", L. Aarts, L. Cavalier)
2508.12.15* Bearkiller’s missing and needs to be found before Copper wakes up. ("Beh-tilla", L. Cavalier)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2509.01.09* Moss knew he would be hearing a good story soon... ("Measuring for a New Coat", J. P.)
2509.02.01* Even on the coldest winter nights, the innocent joy of the tribe's cubs can bring Chicory the warmth of summer. ("A Burst of Summer", R. C.)
2509.02.20* Ingot probes an odd bit of history. ("A Minor Detail", C. T.)
2509.03.09* Starskimmer has a streak of bad luck. ("Snake Eyes", K. Hansen)
2509.03.25* Waking up to a big noise leads Chicory and Glow to a small discovery. ("Small Discoveries", J. P.)
2509.04.03* Spear fishing in the rain doesn’t always work. ("Never Give Up", L. Cavalier)
2509.04.15* Thornbow and Newt figure out how far Newt’s interest in archery really goes. ("Broken", M. Deinert, J. Normand)
2509.04.17* Cinder shares a bonding moment with his father in the storage dens. ("Storage Discovery", M. Di Carlo)
2509.05.29* Newt can’t be a word-hunter, but he can dedicate himself to learning everything they discover. ("Word Games", L. Cavalier, C. T.)
2509.06.10* Farscout isn’t used to people coming to look for him when he wants to be alone. ("Bedtime", A. Cousins)
2509.06.15* Sometimes you learn more from your failures than your successes. ("A Dream Not Yet Realized", L. Cavalier, M. H., M. McCarthy)
2509.06.30* Newt and Otter share a short but confusing moment. ("Pale Treasures", M. H.)
2509.07.01* As young Copper grows, she finds an unexpected best friend. ("Changing of the Guard", B. Kita, W. Ware)
2509.07.04* Young Glow is the envy of her agemates after she finds a coprolite. ("Glow's Necklace", W. Ware)
2509.07.10* Longshot goes to find some berries and wine. ("Mixed-Up Drunk", L. Cavalier)
2509.07.30* Curiosity keeps Otter awake. ("Just a Little Nudge", M. Deinert)
2509.08.03* Copper finds an unusual teacher in the woods. ("Found Things", A. Cousins)
2509.08.09* Deeproot tells her husband more than she’s supposed to. Quite often. ("After-Hours Confidant", C. T.)
2509.08.14* Even after many years, some habits cannot be changed. ("Old Habits", P. B.)
2509.08.19* Dreamflight realizes that, even for elves, there isn't always all the time in the world. ("Impermanent", S. Campos)
2509.08.24* Newt's archery lesson leads to something different. ("Setting Sights", A. Chandler)
2509.08.25* Copper has an unusual problem. Good thing that Crackle is the unusual sort. ("Understanding Copper", J. Milligan)
2509.09.10* Cinder's attempts at archery gain him an unexpected new teacher. ("Learning to Loose the Arrow", M. Di Carlo)
2509.09.24* Some elves never let a moment's chance at influence slip by. ("Shaping", A. Cousins)
2509.10.14* It's a beautiful day for fishing. ("Spearfishing", J. P.)
2509.10.18* Hiding from humans while word hunting isn't always easy. ("Near Miss", L. Cavalier)
2509.11.01* In which brother and sister have a special thing. Really. ("The Corruption of Rill", J. Milligan)
2509.11.07* Crackle has grown-up ambitions, but is having trouble getting her elders to take her seriously. ("Crackle's Fire", L. Melis)
2509.12.12* Crackle learns impatience does not always lead to the reward you imagined. ("Tan Your Hide", L. Melis)
2509.12.24* Kestrel reflects on her life and love. ("Love Given, Returned Eightfold", A. Chandler)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2510.01.10* I wonder – if you can fly, maybe you don’t need a lovemate. ("Between Love and Flying", L. Aarts, J. Milligan)
2510.01.18* Cinder discovers a treasure in his grandfather's keepsakes box. ("The Amulet", W. Ware)
2510.01.21* For a young wolf and rider, it seems like forever before a pup has grown enough to ride. ("Backtracked", W. Ware)
2510.01.25* Why does Chieftess Easysinger call Newt "spirit-cub"? ("Spirit-Cub", M. D., H. Hutchison)
2510.02.02* Elves on a word-hunt get caught in a snowstorm. ("Skin to Skin", L. Cavalier)
2510.03.14* Windburn has an unexpected visitor one chilly, late-winter morning. ("Seeing a Different Side", H. Henderson)
2510.03.18* Winter seas were the most dangerous for ships of the Empire traveling to the Eya-Lu-Ramat colony, so only courier ships emboldened by the senatorial business they carried braved a winter passage. ("The Winter Ship", W. Ware)
2510.03.27* Beetle learns that the storyteller can't control the story once her audience gets ahold of it... ("And Whether Fish Have Noses", W. Ware)
2510.04.04* Flutterby shares a secret treasure with Cinder. ("Special Things", C. T.)
2510.04.17* Greenweave's calm surface masks unsettling memories. ("Depths", S. Campos)
2510.05.18* Rill gets a lesson in patience. ("Patience and Fire", R. Swartzendruber)
2510.05.20* Kestrel and True Edge find that their differences, though still there, don’t matter quite so much anymore. ("The Strongest Bond", M. McCarthy)
2510.05.25* Newt catches more than expected when fishing in the river. ("Gone Fishing", M. H.)
2510.05.29* Foxtail can read between the lines but Newt has to learn to ask all the same. ("A Shift in the Air", A. Cousins)
2510.06.09* A simple hunt leads to much more. ("A Family Hunt", M. H.)
2510.06.15* Nonoli thinks about a wedding as she plucks a grouse. ("Wedding Feast", L. Cavalier)
2510.06.24* "I don't know if we are ready. To do this again, that is." ("Another Try", M. Heilemann, M. McCarthy)
2510.06.25* A warm summer night leads to a number of discoveries. ("Discoveries", A. Rosbergen)
2510.06.27* Greenweave gets a pleasant reminder that the Now could use more attention than he gives it. ("Now", S. Campos).  (Human Tribes Story) The colony's new mata arrives. ("The Summer Ship", W. Ware)
2510.07.02* “You make elves sound like bows and arrows, useless without each other.” ("Hungry for Something Else", J. P.)
2510.07.06* Rill and Crackle bond over a storm. ("A Story and Skyfire", E. Owen)
2510.07.12* On a rainy day, a deadly meat-eating lizard is out stalking for prey near the Holt... ("Attack of the Killer Reptile", R. C.).  What harm could there be in a story about the Daystar and the Moons? ("Sun and Moon", L. Melis)
2510.07.13* The presumed first success of assisted pregnancy by Willow fails. ("Gone", M. Heilemann, M. McCarthy)
2510.07.14* Rill decides to make a raft - but he needs a little help. ("The Littlest Raft", L. Cavalier).  Newt offers to keep something for Fadestar she can’t keep herself right now. ("The Blanket", M. D.)
2510.07.15* Glow is determined to bring home a special gift for her mother and she won't let anything stop her. ("Name Flowers", A. Raidel)
2510.07.16* After a tragedy, it's Blacksnake's nature to search for answers. ("Searching for Answers", H. Hutchison)
2510.07.18* "Despite the array of emotions, everyone came together now to get some closure on the event." ("A Howl Unlike Any Other", M. McCarthy)
2510.08.10* Beautiful dyes take time, effort, and artistry. ("Midnight Blue", J. P.)
2510.08.19* Moments in Gurgleflap’s long fascination with water. ("Deep Time", L. Cavalier, C. T.)
2510.08.27* Newt takes some time to remember a brother he lost. ("Winning Alone", R. C.)
2510.09.03* Newt knows his place. But is his place separating him from his friends? ("I'm Not a Hunter", M. Deinert)
2510.09.05* A parent-child game of poke-hoop. ("The Mark Twice Hit", K. Hansen)
2510.09.08* Cinder and Rill try to prank the chief of pranks. ("To Prank a Prankster", M. Di Carlo)
2510.09.10* Newt makes a decision and reveals a secret. ("To Take a Bow", A. Chandler, M. D.)
2510.09.23* Sometimes to live in the present, you have to live in the past. ("Remembering", I. G.).  The truth is better than a lie, isn’t it? ("Parental Conflict", L. Cavalier)
2510.09.26* “There’s my all grown-up adult daughter!” ("A Recognized Shift", I. G.)
2510.09.30* Dreamflight wonders if she really wants to remain in her cocoon of doubt and pain any longer. ("Starting Over", M. D.)
2510.10.01* **You could try being more helpful,** Honey sent plainly. ("Dreamflight's Crush", L. Cavalier, I. G.)
2510.10.17* Goldspice and Moss need no words between them. ("Without a Word", L. Cavalier)
2510.10.31* Dreamflight sings about who she really is! ("Dreamflight’s Wild Identity Song", I. G.)
2510.11.04* When Rill learns that boomerangs are possible, the cub must have one! ("Whirl-Stick", W. Ware)
2510.11.12* Blacksnake spots a chance for a little pay-back... ("Necessary Measurements", W. Ware)
2510.11.14* Newt proves himself when Windburn comes down with a dangerous fever. ("Willow Bark, Feverease & Boneset", W. Ware)
2510.11.15* After hearing a scary story from Crackle, Glow runs to her mother, who thinks it’s a good time to one-up her. ("The Rockshaper of Greenstone Mountain", M. Di Carlo)
2510.11.26* Otter finds his family relations grow more complicated than his simple heart wishes for. ("Bitter Knowing", W. Ware)
2510.11.28* Newt seeks out Farscout for advice about his conflict over Otter’s affections. ("Carving Feathers", W. Ware)
2510.11.30* Young hearts wish and hope...sometimes in vain. ("Hope Lasts Eternal", M. D.)
2510.12.05* Greenweave finds himself confronted with tangles and knots once more. ("Frozen in Knots", M. D.)
2510.12.25* Fadestar knows about clothes, but can she convince Otter? ("Coats", L. Aarts)
2510.12.26* Snowfall, True Edge, and Kestrel decide the next step in conceiving a child outside of Recognition after their failed last attempt. ("Bittersweet", M. H., M. Heilemann, M. McCarthy)
2510.12.27* After hearing his grandmother’s big news, Pathmark just can’t keep his excitement to himself. ("Family News", A. K., M. McCarthy)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2511.01.08* Chicory takes her daughter out to learn some basic tracking skills. Since it's winter, the bears are all asleep in their dens and should be safe to track... right? ("Going on a Bear Hunt", R. C.)
2511.02.10* Crackle tells a story to a rapt audience, but gets more of a reaction than she'd bargained for. ("Crazy", W. Ware)
2511.02.11* True Edge and Charm experience the simple flow of time while on patrol. ("Mine", M. H.)
2511.02.16* When Fadestar asks to become an apprentice scout, she does not suspect how quickly her life can change... ("First Patrol", L. Aarts, W. Ware).  After near disaster for two highthings, Mushroom obsesses over what might have been and what could still be. ("Daydreams of Death", R. C.).  The story could have had a very different ending... ("Death & Dream (AU ending to "First Patrol")", W. Ware)
2511.02.17* Windburn is caught by surprise by the return of the Fierce Ones, but the tribe's chief has not been caught unprepared... ("The Gathering Storm (Part 1)", W. Ware).  Cloudfern has waited for centuries for this nightmare to materialize... ("Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On", W. Ware).  Glow reassures her family that they’ll be safe against a Fierce Ones invasion. ("Listen to the Thunder", W. Ware).  The tribe reacts to the return of the Fierce Ones and begins to take action... ("The Gathering Storm (Part 2)", P. B., R. C., H. Hutchison, M. McCarthy).  Fierce Ones were seen! ("Dreamflight's Fears", I. G.)
2511.02.18* Some tribe members get into position to guard against or track the Fierce Ones, while others prepare and support their kin. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 3)", H. Henderson, H. Hutchison, W. Ware)
2511.02.19* Far from home during crisis, a memory keeps Kestrel warm. ("Lullaby for a Stormy Night", J. Milligan)
2511.02.20* When the rest of the tribe scatters to prepare for the return of the Fierce Ones, those left behind find small comfort... ("Those Left Behind", W. Ware).  Kestrel pushes her gliding ability to its limits, while Blacksnake joins Brightwood and Farscout in trailing the humans — and finds that the elves are not the only ones following the Fierce Ones’ trail north. Cloudfern and his team must reclaim Bluestone Cave, while Windburn contemplates the other humans the tribe has to worry about. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 4)", H. Hutchison, M. McCarthy, W. Ware)
2511.02.21* While overseeing the preparations for Bluestone Cave, True Edge worries for his family and tribe's future. ("Uncertain Future", R. C.).  All of this, Crackle thought, wasn’t supposed to happen. This all made for great story material, but not for situations in real life. ("Paradise Lost", L. Aarts)
2511.02.22* Blacksnake, Brightwood and Farscout have some unwelcome encounters and make a very unwelcome discovery, while Goldspice tends to the tribe as acting-chief at the Holt, and One-Leg expresses his opinion regarding the situation as it regards the local humans. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 5)", W. Ware).  During the tense times, Thornbow has a chance to ask a question that has crossed his mind once or twice. ("Behind Green Eyes", A. Cousins)
2511.02.23* Newt struggles with uncertainty and new responsibilities. ("Weight of Worry", A. Chandler).  Cloudfern is tired and just wants to tend to Otter's arm before he sleeps. ("Skinning Rabbits, Mending Arms", S. Lindström)
2511.02.24* Newt decides it's time to have a talk with Cloudfern. ("Worked to the Bone", S. Lindström)
2511.02.25* Otter learns a lesson about providing for the tribe. ("Fishing for Your Supper", M. H.)
2511.02.27* Snowfall, Beetle and Windsong lurk on the edges of a Fierce Ones camp, while Rainpace and Dreamflight endure a cold watch-post; Farscout, Brightwood and Blacksnake spy on the main Fierce Ones group, as Windburn and Foxtail debate the severity of the situation; True Edge listens to Crackle’s doubts, and One-Leg, Pathmark and Notch run into some unexpected problems on the Bounty River. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 6)", M. Atkinson, P. B., L. Cavalier, M. H., W. Ware)
2511.02.28* As a winter blizzard looms, the tribe reacts to Notch’s unconventional means of rescuing his father and Pathmark from discovery by the local humans; Rill prepares for an adventure of his own; and Blacksnake finds more than he’s looking for in the depths of the storm. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 7)", P. B., H. Hutchison, W. Ware)
2511.03.01* In the wake of the blizzard, the tribe waits to see what happens next with the Fierce Ones, while Rill decides to prove how very good he can be. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 8)", M. H., W. Ware).  Charm passes away but life continues with the Bluestone Cave group. ("Charm's End", M. H.).  Repercussions follow after Rill’s misbehavior. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 9)", W. Ware).  Some things hit you hard, no matter how far you are away. ("Too Close to the Heart", M. Heilemann)
2511.03.03* Copper shares with Goldspice the contents of one night’s dream. ("Empty Hands", W. Ware)
2511.03.09* A best friend in dire need triggers something in Fadestar. ("Lift Off", L. Aarts, M. D.)
2511.03.14* Spring meant new life, warmth, and hope. ("Moment of Hope", L. Cavalier)
2511.03.17* Fallout from Notch’s decision to blow the Fierce Ones’ horn, from another point of view… ("Frozen Roads", W. Ware)
2511.03.19* Scouts trail the Fierce Ones south as the hunters leave the nothern steppes. ("The Gathering Storm (Part 10)", W. Ware)
2511.03.28* Unpleasant thoughts keep Blacksnake awake. ("Harsh New Thoughts", S. Lindström)
2511.03.30* Copper didn't believe that story, but she echoed it desperately now. ("Safe", J. Milligan)
2511.04.01* The tribe comes back together to decide what to do next about the human threats. ("After the Storm", H. Hutchison, J. Milligan, W. Ware).  Honey finds that she's lost old callouses. ("Tender Skin and Callouses", E. Million)
2511.04.02* “I want even more/Now more than ever/To truly be of good use!” ("Dreamflight Ponders", I. G.)
2511.04.03* Honey's life is filled with joys and sorrows and many changes, but even the long life of an elf is a mere eyeblink under the night sky. ("The Stars Shine Cold", R. C.)
2511.04.04* Did the arrival of the Fierce Ones affect Cinder more than anyone thought? ("Impatience", M. Di Carlo, M. McCarthy)
2511.04.10* Murkfur and Windswift both want to be chosen as Rainpace’s new wolf friend. ("Windswift", L. Cavalier)
2511.04.19* Beetle and Willow disagree about the nearby human tribes. ("Don't Go", H. Henderson)
2511.04.23* Windburn has Farscout show him where he and Fadestar encountered the Fierce Ones. ("Far Too Close", S. Lindström)
2511.04.28* Fadestar relives a moment that could have ended much differently. ("Nightmare", L. Aarts, M. D.).  The Ramat Colony prepares to defend itself. ("Thornwalls and Stone-Throwers", W. Ware)
2511.04.29* Wolves were not slaves to their riders. They had their own free wills — and their own concerns separate from the cares of elves. ("Wasp", W. Ware).  Fadestar has been pushing herself too hard and Newt is worried. ("Fadestar's Training", S. Lindström)
2511.05.01* But now the prey was right there directly under her! At once the wolf in Dreamflight took over her mind. All thoughts stopped. ("Dreamflight and the Prey", I. G.)
2511.05.02* (Trolls Story) A most interesting discovery needs a good home. ("Driftwood", C. T.)
2511.05.07* When Windburn loses his wolf-friend, the chief isn’t the only one to mourn — and Foxtail steps up to share her mother’s gifts with Cinder. ("Just Like Mother Used to Make", W. Ware)
2511.06.20* A shark encounters One-Leg and Greenweave. ("Impulses", C. T.)
2511.06.21* "“Go away, Chief, you’re bothering me,” the young elf muttered, appreciatively watching Notch head towards the Dentrees." ("Dreamflight in Love and Lust", I. G.)
2511.07.02* Returning from a long scouting trip, Pathmark runs into a friendly face. ("Pathways Home", A. Cousins)
2511.07.08* Over the years, Fadestar’s and Pathmark’s relationship changes multiple times. ("Changing Ways", L. Aarts)
2511.07.12* Crackle finds dread is like shooting in the dark and Thornbow discerns her struggle. ("Shot in the Dark", L. Melis, J. P.).  Pathmark finds that his attention and affection aren’t where he expected. ("Captivated", L. Cavalier)
2511.07.15* For all of their differences, each culture has familiar touchpoints... ("Comparative Studies", W. Ware)
2511.07.21* Starskimmer and Beetle have always enjoyed crafting together. ("Working Together", L. Cavalier)
2511.07.29* Beetle accomplishes a lifelong goal with Willow’s help, but has some regrets. ("Butterflies", L. Cavalier, H. Henderson)
2511.08.01* “I have a crush,” she admitted in the same way she might complain about a butt rash to Willow. ("Dreamflight's Inspiration", I. G.)
2511.08.02* After a hot summer day, Chicory craves a nice cool fish to eat. ("Teeth", R. C.)
2511.08.03* Crackle got her revenge. ("A Tooth for A Tooth", M. D.)
2511.08.05* Woad is sacred to the Fierce Ones... ("Brulavid's Prayer", W. Ware)
2511.08.06* The Tinker’s First Seat has a hobby, and an admirer as well. ("Ancient Shadows", W. Ware)
2511.08.25* Cloudfern and Honey have not always been at odds. Maybe it is time for peace now. ("Not Always Fighting", S. Lindström)
2511.09.11* (Trolls Story) While there are many who are played, only a select few can make the arrangements. ("A Change of Tune", H. Henderson)
2511.11.07* Cloudfern and Greenweave, the night before Greenweave leaves on his first long winter watch. ("Going to the Watch", S. Lindström)
2511.11.22* Newt discovers the nest-hole of a pair of whitemask owls, and it changes his life in ways he never expected. ("Whitemask", H. Hutchison)
2511.11.29* All Newt wanted was to ask for some help. ("Mice for Moonwing", P. B., M. D., H. Henderson)
2511.11.31* A perfectly starry night takes a different turn. ("Not a Night for Stargazing", L. Cavalier)
2511.12.01* Copper loved the winter... ("Slow-Drifting Snow", W. Ware)
2511.12.21* Father sent to me “Would you like to eat with us?” ("Dreamflight's Family Meal", I. G.)
2511.12.23* Beetle organizes a tribal viewing of a meteor shower. ("Stars Falling Like Rain", A. Chandler)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2512.02.02* Newt shares in an important moment in Moonwing’s life. ("Winter Wings", W. Ware)
2512.02.07* Moonwing the owl settles in with his new elf-friend Newt. ("Caring for Owls", S. Lindström)
2512.03.14* Cloudfern goes to Goldspice for help with something precious to him. ("Mending Things Not Broken", S. Lindström)
2512.04.20* Newt and Evervale are nearly swept away in a spring flood. ("Deadfall", W. Ware)
2512.06.14* Candlewick steals some time with a historical document of immense value. ("Grimtooth's Traps", W. Ware)
2512.06.15* When caught red-handed, a mump must face her punishment. ("Caught in the Act", W. Ware)
2512.07.03* Snowfall didn’t recall her previous pregnancies bringing so much fatigue. ("Always Tired", L. Cavalier)
2512.08.20* How to describe Newt’s latest concoction? ("Aftertaste of Memory", C. T.)
2512.10.02* Foxtail is full of good ideas and likes to share them. ("Just a Few More Tricks", A. Cousins)
2512.10.05* Starskimmer has her own ideas about where inspiration comes from. ("Inspirations", A. Cousins)
2512.11.10* After fishing with Windsong, Newt and Evervale reminisce. ("Recollecting Mothers' Hugs", L. Cavalier).  Rill has trouble learning to hunt like his mother. ("Memories of the Hunt", M. H.)
2512.12.06* A surprise winter storm blows in more than the tribe expects. ("Surprises in the Snow", M. H., M. Heilemann, M. McCarthy)
2512.12.31* Beetle gathers beets for the new mothers, despite the cold. ("Sweetroots and Sweet Cubs", L. Cavalier)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2513.04.03* Brightwood finds it hard to believe that anyone understands the true danger of the humans – even Newt. ("Harsh Words", J. Milligan)
2513.04.10* True Edge spends a night with his sons. ("Nap Time", M. H.)
2513.04.25* Blacksnake faces an interruption in his alone-time but it proves quite interesting. ("Peace and Quiet", A. Cousins)
2513.05.16* Kestrel sometimes worries for Brightwood's quiet cub. ("The Quiet One", J. Milligan)
2513.07.07* An adventure from One-Leg’s past sheds light on Fadestar’s fears. ("Axes and Archers", H. H., C. T.)
2513.07.12* Otter’s climb to the top of Flint Ridge gets interrupted. ("High Climbing", L. Cavalier)
2513.07.20* Fadestar has her reasons. Most just don’t think to ask. ("Reasons", A. Cousins)
2513.07.31* A trip to Eagle Bay brings those who go closer to one another. ("Closing the Gap", L. Cavalier)
2513.08.15* Kestrel comes to a conclusion that took far longer than it should have. ("A Perfect Day", M. McCarthy)
2513.09.05* Could an elf's way change? Foxtail wondered. ("Other Ways", A. Cousins)
2513.09.27* Glow has something special she wants to show Copper. ("Birds", T. Rosbergen)
2513.10.02* Beetle is sure that she's learned from a certain experience. ("Explosive Expedience", J. Milligan)
2513.10.08* Every glider should go to the islands at least once. To say you’ve done it. To prove you can. ("Distant Goals", H. Hutchison)
2513.10.18* Hunters tell one another old stories while waiting on their prey. ("Hunters' Tales", L. Cavalier)
2513.11.03* A day in the life of a bonded wolf. ("Elf", M. H.)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2514.03.17* They win some and lose some, but through it all, they're friends. ("Bets of Friends", L. Cavalier)
2514.04.10* Notch thinks about things, and that's always a bad sign. ("It's Good To Be Notch", S. Lucas)
2514.04.19* Windburn and Kestrel discuss a new venture, while life for the tribe goes back to normal. ("The Next Steps", L. Cavalier, H. H., M. McCarthy, J. Milligan)
2514.05.30* A thought nipping at the back of Crackle’s mind finally bites. ("Nipping Thought", L. Cavalier)
2514.06.11* Some races don’t always end with a victory or finish. ("Races and Trouble", L. Cavalier)
2514.06.15* The tribe sends an expedition to explore the secrets of Twin Peaks Island. ("To the Western Isles, Pt. 1", H. H., J. Milligan)
2514.06.16* As the elves continue to explore the Isles, mysteries and discoveries unfold. ("To the Western Isles, Pt. 2", H. H., J. Milligan)
2514.06.18* As the elves’ search of the island continues, they encounter some bad news… and some stunning surprises. ("To the Western Isles, Pt. 3", H. H., J. Milligan).  More discoveries are made on the island, and hopes begin to mount up. ("To the Western Isles, Pt. 4", H. H., J. Milligan)
2514.09.17* When tresses makes Crackle feel all trussed up. ("Mane Issue", L. Melis)
2514.09.30* Otter finds it hard to follow Firecat’s climb. ("Pride Before a Fall", L. Cavalier)
2514.12.17* On a cold winter’s night, sometimes it’s best to have some fun. ("Cold Winter’s Night", L. Cavalier)
Chieftess Wolfsister | Chief Burn | Chieftess Foxsly | Chieftess Easysinger | Chief Windburn | 2500 | 2501 | 2502 | 2503 | 2504 | 2505 | 2506 | 2507 | 2508 | 2509 | 2510 | 2511 | 2512 | 2513 | 2514 | 2515 | 2516 | 2517 | 2518 | 2519 | 2520 | 2521 | 2522 | 2523
2515.01.01* Honey needs a new coat, and tests it out as soon as she gets it. ("Something Warmer", L. Cavalier)

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