Gone But Not Forgotten   2327.03.28*  
Written By: Lea R.
(2012 Treasure Hunt) Snowfall thinks on the death of three of her tribemates, and the event's echoes in the tribe's history.
Posted: 09/08/12      [10 Comments]

Collections that include this story:
A Quiet Place to Think
2012 Treasure Hunt

2012 TREASURE HUNT CLUE #8: We three died in a raging spring flood. Who are we? (Answer: Sunlight, Tallow & Beesting (poem “Red Skies At Night”, by Heidi); alternative answer: Carver, Harmony & Riversong in RTH 514)

Dawn was breaking, Snowfall knew, she could tell it by the changing colors of the sky. But it didn't matter to her that sunrise was approaching, it couldn't change the hard fact that three of her tribemates were gone forever and this in a mere heartbeat. Her own father had barely survived, only due to Kestrel, her dear friend and former lovemate. But Tallow, Beesting and Sunlight hadn't been this lucky. The sudden and unexpected flash flood had taken them away and nobody could find them afterwards, nor were there any answers to their urgent sendings. It was clear to all of them that they were dead and gone and this night, the tribe would howl for their lost members.

Snowfall's thoughts ran back, to a time when she was just a young elf, barely a child anymore and had just started her training as a howlkeeper. Breeze, one of the storytellers of the tribe at that time had told her the story of the deaths of Riversong, Harmony and Carver, who died under similar circumstances like the three elves the day before. It seemed that flash floods happened from time to time, and there was nothing anyone could do about that.

She shook her head. No! She knew it was the Way that unpredictable things happened from time to time, but she just couldn't accept this at the moment. Her heart hurt too much right now. It would heal in time, she knew, but in the Now the feeling of loss was so painful that she couldn't think of anything else.

She sighed. She knew what she had to do this evening at the howl. There would be stories and she knew exactly which stories she would tell her tribe. There would be stories about Sunlight, Beesting and Tallow and there would be other ones about their Elders Riversong, Harmony and Carver. After all, their ancestors should not be forgotten and her duty as a howlkeeper was to make sure that the past was kept alive in the memories of her tribe, because even when they lived in the Now-of-the-wolf-thought through a great part in their lives, they shouldn't forget where they came from.

After she had decided this, she returned to her den and snuggled under the bedfurs next to her lifemate. She would need all her energy for the howl next night.

Collections that include this story:
A Quiet Place to Think
2012 Treasure Hunt

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