Treewee Wants Beesweets   1846.08.31*  
Written By: Razzle C.
(2012 Treasure Hunt) Beesting has honeycomb, and the little cub that Sunlight is cubsitting wants some!
Posted: 09/08/12      [11 Comments]

Collections that include this story:
Soul Reunion
2012 Treasure Hunt
Summer's Passing

2012 TREASURE HUNT CLUE #8: We three died in a raging spring flood. Who are we? (Answer: Sunlight, Tallow & Beesting (poem “Red Skies At Night”, by Heidi); alternative answer: Carver, Harmony & Riversong in RTH 514)

(Ed. Note: “Treewee” is the cubname of Tallow.)

"Here we go," Sunlight said, bringing out the hair tie and showing it to the little girl-cub seated on the ground in front of her. "Where do you want it?"

Treewee smiled and patted herself on the top of her head.

Sunlight expertly gathered up part of the girl's blonde hair into a rough topknot and tied the ribbon around it. As she worked, Treewee watched her patiently with large yellow-green eyes. "There!" Sunlight announced cheerfully, giving the finished topknot an affectionate ruffle. "All done!"

"Good work," Beesting said brightly, popping over almost as if from out of nowhere to plunk down on the ground by Sunlight and the cubling. She had a clay jar decorated with honeybee designs on the side wrapped in her arms, which she set down on her other side. "You're so patient with the little ones, Sunlight. I don't know how you can sit still so long."

Sunlight laughed. "Sit still? Cubs keep you running most of the time!" As if to prove her point, Treewee grabbed onto Sunlight's hands for support and hauled herself unsteadily to her feet.

Beesting shrugged with a cheeky grin and simply reached into her jar, pulling out a small chunk of honeycomb. She instantly had Treewee's full attention, but didn't seem to notice. Tipping her head back, Beesting held the little block of comb above her and allowed honey to drip off one corner and into her waiting open mouth.

Treewee let go of Sunlight's hands so she could reach out towards the sweet that Beesting had with one hand, balancing herself by grasping onto Sunlight's shirt with her other hand. "Unh!" she grunted, opening and closing her tiny fist extended towards the beesweets.

"I think someone wants you to share..." Sunlight teased her friend in an almost sing-song voice.

Beesting popped the chunk of honeycomb in her mouth and gave Sunlight a surprised look. "Wha? Fhrr mm meemeess?"

"Send it, Beesting!" Sunlight chided. "I can't understand you with your mouth full!"

**I said, 'what? share my beesweets?'** Beesting clarified. She eyeballed little Treewee, who had stuck her two forefingers all the way into her mouth and was sucking on them as she intently watched the older elf chew. Shoving the honeycomb into one cheek with her tongue, Beesting said woefully, "But it was such hard work getting it. Why does everyone expect me to share?"

"Because you always do," Sunlight replied promptly, her eyes twinkling as she elbowed her friend. "Now stop teasing poor Treewee! She's only a tiny cub after all."

"I know," Beesting grinned, reaching into the jar for a safely cub-sized piece of comb for the little girl, who took it eagerly and shoved it in her face.

Illustration by Peggy B.

Collections that include this story:
Soul Reunion
2012 Treasure Hunt
Summer's Passing

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