Splash   2420.07.29*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier
(2013 Treasure Hunt) Bowflight doesn't mind getting wet in order to have a little fun.
Posted: 07/14/13      [4 Comments]

Collections that include this story:
Only Some Are Willing
2013 Treasure Hunt

(This story was an entry for Clue #5 in the 2013 Treasure Hunt -- see the collection for related stories and images! )

Illustration by Kyna H.
It was the middle of a hot summer night. The clouds were shining in the night sky, reflecting the glow of the moons. The rainstorm, sure to come before the next night, left a feeling of sticky dampness on everything, and Bowflight wiped sweat from his brow as he headed toward the river, where he knew he was certain to find Starskimmer somewhere among the rocks. They had been bantering the past few nights, and the vixen had teased him until he was ready to burst. Tonight, though, would be different. Tonight would be fun.

Wearing naught but his green leather pants and boots, so the rocks wouldn't cut his feet, the archer tread along the riverbank, heading south, following Starskimmer's sweet scent. Eventually, he found her, high up on the bank, playing with her magic and shaping the rocks, trying to make the water flow in different ways. Since he was downwind, she didn't notice him until he was right behind her, and then she turned and looked at him, eyes wide and shining.

He didn't speak. Instead, he reached down and picked her up. She squealed with delight, but offered no protest as he carried her to a better entrance point to the river. Then, as he stepped into the river and she realized his intent, she tried to hold tighter around his neck. But he was determined, and slowly dumped the rockshaper, the temptress, into the river.

She emerged with a laugh, then reached a hand upward toward him, which he took, knowing full well that she would pull him down next to her. He didn't mind, though he played at not being pulled in. When he finally splashed into the water next to her, she wrapped an arm around him, and pulled him close. Words were not said, nor was even a sending shared between them. They knew what they wanted, and they had the whole hot night ahead to get it.

Collections that include this story:
Only Some Are Willing
2013 Treasure Hunt

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