
River Twine Holt Trolls

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This is a brief introduction to all trolls in Underhaven. All artwork and stories that a character appears in is linked in their full character sheet - click on the picture, or their name for more information about them!

Basalt ~ Non-adoptable character

A teacher in the Institute, where young trolls are educated before entering into a Houses.

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Bladesong ~ Non-adoptable character

Low-ranking member of the House of Tactics and Arms. A doting, motherly troll who found her calling teaching to the young the basics of weapon use. Notable in being one of the few trolls who was able to marry her true love, in her case Redpike. Mother of Ingot.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Blotter ~ Non-adoptable character

High-ranking member of the House of Scholars. Lorekeeper of all things elf-related. Maintains a research museum in a Special Projects and Studies, a top-secret Scholar facility. A very cold and stoic troll, who doesn't suffer small talk. And one with little or no time for anything or anyone not related to his work.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Bludgeon ~ Deceased character

High-ranking member of the House of Tactics And Arms. Retired as a General and Chief Of Security. Had a reputation for fierce loyalty to those under his command. He was a tall, broad troll who wasn't afraid to push his rank and bulk around when he needed to.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Bookend ~ Non-adoptable character

Mid-ranked member of the House of Tactics and Arms. Born to two Scholars, and 'loaned out' to said House as a guard of classified areas.

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Bridgepin ~ Deceased character

Very highly ranked member of the House of Scholars. A matchmaker, hers was and is a vital and highly respected position in Underhaven. A studious individual who took very seriously her responsibility for crafting unions that would bring status to all parties involved.

Bio picture by: Afke, Holly & Beth

Brightmetal ~ Non-adoptable character

1st on the Tactics and Arms seat. A wise and careful tactician, whose view of the military is that it should be kept small, yet well-trained. It should be used for defense, and not for offensive attacks. A decent blacksmith, named for her skill in making metal weapons.

Bio picture by: Holly H.

Candlelight ~ Non-adoptable character

Mid-ranked member of the House of Scholars. Liaison to the on-site Tactics and Arms members stationed within Scholar facilities.

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Candlewick ~ Non-adoptable character

Daughter of Stillpoint and ?. Intensely curious, highly intelligent, and eager to explore and experiment. Also over-confident and a troublemaker.

Bio picture by: Melanie D.

Catalyst ~ Deceased character

Author of a series of commentaries on the Tome of the Ancestors (in the RTH 790s), which is highly regarded among Scholars.

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Cauldron ~ Owned by Chris

Mid-High ranked member of the House of Scholars. Retired property assessor. Born to a proud pair of Provisionists, but chose to pursue the intellectual arts, with a particular interest in math and economics. Wife of Inkstain, mother of Thumbprint.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Chert ~ Deceased character

First Seat of the Scholars prior to Quill's tenure.

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Clatter ~ Non-adoptable character

Lower-Mid-ranked member of the House Of Provisions. Server at the Grand Banquet Hall.

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Cog ~ Non-adoptable character

Tinker, mid-ranked, more of an engineer type.

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Comfrey ~ Non-adoptable character

In charge of the laundries for the House of Tinkerers.

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Deeproot ~ Adoptable Character!

2nd on the Provisions seat. Wily, clever and fast are words that have been used to describe Deeproot as far back as she can remember. She enjoys hunting, fishing, and even digging around the forest for choice mushrooms, but her specialty is making traps. She enjoys trying to outsmart wild animals. She is intelligent and ambitious, with her eye on the 1st Provisions seat if it becomes available. Married to Forge.

Bio picture by: Peggy B.

Driftwood ~ Non-adoptable character

Member of the House of Provisions, ranked in the lower-middle tier. A surface hunter, who has acquired the patronage of Blotter by providing him with elven artifacts he comes across in his hunts. Tends to talk with a showman's flair.

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Facet ~ Non-adoptable character

Scholar, low-ranked, but higher-ranking among the low trolls. She's in her mid-20's and has just recently been placed under Pigment's mentorship in the Library. Unhappy with her position, and with him (partially due to his unattractiveness) she'll do whatever it takes -- whatever it takes -- to better her position or to get out of a job she hates, and doesn't care who she uses or hurts to get what she wants. She's ambitious and this is the path she's used to advance all of her life. She's attractive as far as trolls go, knows it, and definitely uses it to her advantage.

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Fen ~ Non-adoptable character

1st on the Provisions seat. Fen's specialty is growing foods inside the caves where light streams through cracks in the ceilings, augmented by systems of mirrors. Particularly fond of roots, but also very skilled in growing mushrooms of various kinds. Curmudgeonly old farmer type.

Bio picture by: Peggy B.

Flowstone ~ Non-adoptable character

Very low-ranked farmhand, who spent his youth pursuing creature comforts rather than chances for learning and advancement. He moonlights as a courier for Quartz.

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Forge ~ Owned by Holly

Tinker, mid to high status blacksmith, very skilled, with a good reputation. Married to Deeproot of Provisions, and proud of his wife's higher status and prospects.

Bio picture by: Holly H.

Gearslip ~ Non-adoptable character

Tinker - high ranked, engineer type.

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Geode ~ Non-adoptable character

Mid-ranked member of the House of Scholars. Administrative assistant and log-keeper in Special Projects And Studies.

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Glue ~ Deceased character

Low-ranked member of the House of Provisions; a gatherer. Died in 2223.

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Gravel ~ Deceased character

Mid-ranked member of the Tinkers House, a miner and excavator specialist. Died in 2105.

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Grimthorn ~ Non-adoptable character

2nd on the Tactics and Arms seat. Not as brilliant a tactician as his superior, and was passed over for promotion to Head of House because he was lacking n that particular mental department. Still has a chip on his shoulder because of it, and would jump at the chance to put the younger Brightmetal in her 'proper place.'

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Hatchet ~ Deceased character

First Seat of Tactics and Arms prior to the current First, Brightmetal. Died in 2472.

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Ingot ~ Owned by Chris

(Secondary Character)High ranked member of the House of Tactics and Arms. Youngest of Redpike and Bladesong's offspring. Deputy Chief Of Security, a position he acquired after raising himself up from low-status family on his merits. His easy going nature hides a strong work ethic and sharply tactical mind.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Inkstain ~ Deceased character

High ranked member of the House of Scholars (deceased). Historian, and a former caretaker of Trickleclaw. Passed that position on to his daughter, Thumbprint. Husband of Cauldron.

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Lodestone ~ Owned by Heidi

2nd on the Scholar's seat. Witty and conniving, and very hungry for power. His aim is to be elected into the High Conclave seat so he can begin to twist the government more in a direction he sees fit.

Bio picture by: Heidi H.

Lumina ~ Deceased character

A high-ranked member of the House of Scholars, and a noted musical composer. Known most famously for "The Nocturne of the Late Bells". Died in 1804.

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Marl ~ Non-adoptable character

Mid-ranked miner, a hard worker and extremely tough & strong, who has a talent for rough-edged socializing and is extremely resourceful. In our world, he'd be a card-carrying union member type. Has a bit of a wistful crush on First Seat Tinkerer Stillpoint, but knows he has no chance with her. That does not stop him from bringing her gifts of any interesting fossil or anomaly his fellows uncover in their mining.

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Morel ~ Non-adoptable character

Low-ranking servant, Nanny to Candlewick, middle-aged in 2500. Subservient and insecure.

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Parchment ~ Non-adoptable character

Mid-ranked member of the House of Tactics and Arms. Warrior and guard, assigned to maintaining the secrets housed in Special Projects and Studies.

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Pigment ~ Non-adoptable character

High-ranking Scholar, much-too-strict on apprentices. He's been the head Librarian at the Library for countless years, and he's highly sought out as a mentor. He and Lodestone have been at odds for as long as he can remember. Has his eyes on Lodestone's seat as Second, and ultimately as First as Quill's replacement.

Bio picture by: Heidi H.

Quartz ~ Non-adoptable character

High-ranked member of the House of Provisions. An atypically greedy and vainglorious troll, she is heavily involved in Underhaven's black market. Daughter of Tallcrag and Soupstone.

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Quickturn ~ Non-adoptable character

2nd on the Tinkers seat. Quickturn is adventurous, amiable, curious and sometimes foolhardy. Quickturn looks up to Stillpoint and is thrilled to be second in position to her. Still, he gets frustrated with her overly rigid ways of research. Quickturn's belief is it takes risks, mistakes, and sometimes just plain playing around to discover new things. He tries to convince Stillpoint of this, but only receives dark looks and a lecture on discipline.

Bio picture by: Heidi H.

Quill ~ Non-adoptable character

1st on the Scholar's seat. Holder of High Conclave's seat. Very wise and very old - she rose to power quickly, and has proved to be quite adept at holding into her high status. Age seems to have been more kind to her than most. Despite being in the 'waning years' of a troll's life, she's still smart, sharp, and active. Most figure she will probably continue to hold her high-ranking seats until her death, but she's been doing her best to groom a replacement.

Bio picture by: Heidi H.

Ratchet ~ Deceased character

High-ranking member of the House of Tinkers. He had a seat on the Tinker Conclave when he died, leaving a significant power vacuum in his wake which took time to sort out.

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Redpike ~ Non-adoptable character

Low-ranking member of the House of Tactics and Arms. Once a mid-ranking tunnel guard, his career faced a number of bad turns in the early 2200s, resulting in a severe loss of status. Zealously anti-elf, and just as passionate about anything he feels. Husband of Bladesong, father of Ingot.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Scrawl ~ Non-adoptable character

Scholar, mid-ranked. He's still considered young, and has been serving as Quill's assistant for quite a few years.

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Slag ~ Non-adoptable character

Tinker, mid-high ranked, involved in helping to perfect formulas for metal refinery. The spitting image of his father when Pigment was young. Husband of Thumbprint.

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Slate ~ Deceased character

A high-ranked member of the House of Scholars, and a noted musical composer. Known for his "Aria 9" and other compositions. Died in 2402.

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Soupstone ~ Non-adoptable character

Upper-middle ranked member of the House of Provisions. Cook at the prestigious Grand Banquet Hall. Wife of Tallcrag, mother of Quartz. Kind, affectionate, touchy-feely.

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Stillpoint ~ Non-adoptable character

1st on the Tinkers seat, Stillpoint is extremely organized, to the point of annoying others with her need to have everything in its place. She's also very focused and serious, lacking much in the way of a sense of humor. She's friendly and gets along with others, but often misses the point of jokes and she'd rather experiment in her workshop than join in on any comradery. Her focused research makes her an excellent inventor and she is well respected in this field. Mother of Candlewick.

Bio picture by: Heidi H.

Stonefist ~ Non-adoptable character

mid-ranked member of Tactics and Arms. Name given due to the powerful force of his weapon swings when in melee. Respects Grimthorn's opinion more than Brightmetal's seemingly increasing desire to make the military a more defensive organization.

Bio picture by: Stacy L.

Swiftknife ~ Non-adoptable character

mid-ranked member of Tactics and Arms. Entered that particular profession to be closer to her lover and companion, Stonefist, and found that the military suited her more than she expected. Is known for her stealthiness in combat, but her usually boisterous nature belies that subtle trait.

Bio picture by: Stacy L.

Tallcrag ~ Non-adoptable character

Upper-Middle-ranked member of the House of Provisions. A former trapper of surface-animals, now he oversees the hunting and trapping of the surface world's bounty. Raised himself in status party through an alliance with Blotter. Husband of Soupstone, father of Quartz.

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Tapestry ~ Deceased character

The first Director of Special Projects and Studies. He built that storehouse of knowledge up from the rough collection of artifacts and lore that his mother Tinderbox started.

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Thumbprint ~ Owned by Chris

(Secondary Character)High-ranked member of the House of Scholars. Daughter of Cauldron and Inkstain. Archivist and caretaker of Trickleclaw, a captive Preserver whose existence is unknown to the general public. She is a sly political maneuverer, who speaks in very polite, carefully chosen words. She sometimes uses her skills as a manipulator of others for the benefit of Trickleclaw, whom she genuinely cares about.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Tinderbox ~ Deceased character

(Female, House Of Scholars, deceased): One of the founders of the House Of Scholars. Her early tenure focused on reconstructing a complete history of her people from the scraps and survivors left among the reunited Six Strongholds. Before that, she was a dancing girl in the service of several warlords and spy for the revolution. Renounced her birth name, Chuki.

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Tunnelrat ~ Non-adoptable character

Mid-ranked member of Tactics and Arms, serving as an administrative assistant in Underhaven Security. A master of military efficiency and bureaucracy, who knows how to acquire the things needed for her fellow to do their jobs. Was demoted (on paper) several years ago, to provide cover for an undercover investigation.

Bio picture by: Chris T.

Vellum ~ Deceased character

A high-ranked Scholar, wife of Lodestone. Seemingly amicable to all on the outside, those who truly knew her knew how cold and calculating this troll could be. Was a champion of many a cause - if it would promote her or her husband's agenda. Mother of Chalk. Died in 2361.

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