River Twine Member Resources

Here is where we gather a wealth of knowledge, for use by our club members. All information developed for River Twine Holt is posted here, as well as made available as downloadable .pdfs for those members who like to compile hard copy resource handbooks.


Club timeline

Tribal Genealogy

Hometree Layouts



1.3Tribal History & Chiefs of River Twine Holt  
Written By: Holly H., Whitney Ware (1202 words)
Posted: 07/31/06     Updated: 04/04/07
1.5Celebrations of River Twine Holt  
Posted: 10/23/06    
1.6Games The Elves Play  
Written By: Joan Milligan (1419 words)
Posted: 04/04/07    
2.1The Wolves of River Twine Holt  
Written By: Holly H., Fey McKercher, Whitney Ware (2818 words)
Posted: 04/10/07    
2.3River Twine Fauna: Big Game  
Written By: Cindy Pruitt (1294 words)
Posted: 08/07/06    
2.4River Twine Fauna: Predators  
Written By: Cindy Pruitt (1173 words)
Posted: 08/07/06    
2.5River Twine Fauna: Reptiles  
Written By: Amy Chandler, Whitney Ware (1231 words)
Posted: 11/11/06    
2.8River Twine Fauna: What You Will Not Find In This Ecosystem  
Written By: Amy Chandler, Cindy Pruitt (519 words)
Posted: 04/10/07    
2.9River Twine Flora: Basic Flora  
Written By: Amy Chandler, Mary Jo Jeffers, Cindy Pruitt, Rachel Vardys, Whitney Ware (1866 words)
Posted: 11/11/06    
3.1The Preservers of River Twine Holt  
Written By: Trena Driessen (1037 words)
Posted: 07/31/06     Updated: 07/13/07
3.2Humans: The Ebea  
Written By: Joan Milligan (3888 words)
Posted: 07/31/06    
3.3Humans: The Bukno-Baha  
Written By: Joan Milligan (3900 words)
Posted: 07/31/06    
3.4The Trolls of River Twine Holt  
Written By: Heidi Henderson, Vicki Stephenson (2313 words)
Posted: 07/31/06    
4.1.1Writerisms & Other Sins  
Posted: 08/23/06    
5.1River Twine Holt Membership Rules  
Posted: 10/23/06     Updated: 06/07/07
5.1River Twine Holt Submission Guidelines  
Posted: 10/23/06     Updated: 05/03/07

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