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Wrapstuffed Tribemates are Healed and Rejoin the Tribe

After all too short a time to learn to use her new powers as a healer, Willow undertakes to heal the five elves who have waited for years, sometimes centuries, in Preserver wrapstuff for a healer to be born.

For background to this storyline, see these collections:

* Wrapstuffed Tribemates - Background

* Willow Discovers and Develops her Healing Powers

This storyline is continued in:

* Consequences of Willow's Rogue Healing

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Stories and poetry attached to this collection:
List by timeline date (default), most recently posted or by title.

Regrets   2503.04.28*  
Written By: Joan Milligan
With release of the wrapstuffed elves on the horizon, the past haunts Windburn and Thornbow.
Posted: 06/10/10      [10 Comments]
Imperfect   2503.05.16*  
Written By: Ellen Million
Honey is unwrapped from her long sleep.
Posted: 10/06/09      [12 Comments]
Easy Winnings   2503.05.16*  
Written By: Chris T.
Flash’s memory looms over current events.
Posted: 11/04/09      [9 Comments]
Tale Not Told   2503.05.17*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier
(2010 Howls Contest - Honey's Howl) Dreamflight has a story best not told at Honey's Howl.
Posted: 05/05/10      [10 Comments]
Out of Character   2503.05.18*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Heidi Henderson
A misunderstanding leads Willow to hold back.
Posted: 10/27/09      [7 Comments]
Unwrapping Hope   2503.05.24*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
After the first of the tribe’s sleepers is unwrapped, Nightstorm finds an unexpected supplicant at her door.
Posted: 10/11/09      [8 Comments]
To Teach a Lesson   2503.05.24*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Heidi Henderson, Ellen Million
A prank is set into motion to teach Honey the error of her ways.
Posted: 11/06/09      [9 Comments]
Weight of Words   2503.05.24*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier
Words remembered help Honey find peace, but it’s short-lived.
Posted: 01/03/15      [4 Comments]
Old Greedygut   2503.05.29*  
Written By: Heidi Henderson
Willow's encounter with an old foe has unforseen consequences.
Posted: 11/09/09      [8 Comments]
Enough   2503.06.06*  
Written By: Leonie Jonk
Dreamflight has finally reached a breaking point.
Posted: 01/09/10      [11 Comments]
Ask Nicely   2503.06.06*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier
Honey needs a new den, but needs to ask nicely.
Posted: 01/06/15      [5 Comments]
Reprieve   2503.06.12*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Heidi Henderson
Beetle and Willow take an evening trip to try and forget about upcoming worries.
Posted: 10/19/13      [4 Comments]
Uncertainty   2503.06.13*  
Written By: Heidi Henderson
(2009 July/Aug Fic Trade) Even the most composed of elders has worries simmering when it comes time to unwrap a loved one.
Posted: 10/23/09      [8 Comments]
Shattered Daydreams   2503.06.14*  
Written By: Linda Aarts, Heidi Henderson
Fadestar awakens, and nothing's the same.
Posted: 11/12/09      [7 Comments]
Kindred Spirits   2503.06.20*  
Written By: Linda Aarts
Fadestar finds out that Nightstorm isn’t scared away easily.
Posted: 01/25/10      [10 Comments]
Otter's Little Brother   2503.06.20*  
Written By: Melanie D.
Otter remembers an old wish.
Posted: 02/05/10      [9 Comments]
Special   2503.06.23*  
Written By: Melanie D.
"Newt was such a special cub and isn't that just fitting? Such a special cub for such a special relationship to make it such a special family."
Posted: 01/14/10      [8 Comments]
Waking Up   2503.06.27*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
(Story by Melanie, Heidi, & Whitney) Newt wakes from his long sleep in wrapstuff, only to find that his world has dramatically changed.
Posted: 12/17/09      [12 Comments]
Family Bonds   2503.06.27*  
Written By: KennelBoy on AO3
The last two members of Cloudfern and Greenweave's family present themselves to Newt.
Posted: 01/03/10      [13 Comments]
Lost & Found   2503.07.01*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
The homecoming welcome consisted of a single boy riding his yearling wolf headlong up the hunter’s trail...
Posted: 02/26/10      [14 Comments]
The Empty Den   2503.07.02*  
Written By: Joan Milligan
(2010 Howls Contest - Newt's Howl) Windsong tells Newt of how Windburn became her chief.
Posted: 05/05/10      [9 Comments]
Fragments of the Story   2503.07.02*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
(2010 Howls Contest - Newt's Howl) When Newt asks to know about the Fierce Ones' attack, Cloudfern and Farscout are cautious in their retelling of history.
Posted: 05/05/10      [11 Comments]
Empty   2503.07.05*  
Written By: Melanie D.
Newt struggles with the gift of his brother.
Posted: 01/27/10      [11 Comments]
Shared Experience   2503.07.06*  
Written By: Linda Aarts, Melanie D.
Fadestar wants to comfort Newt, but instead, gets comforted herself.
Posted: 01/29/10      [9 Comments]
Fourth   2503.07.07*  
Written By: Heidi Henderson
Windburn and others watch as Fletcher's cocoon is opened.
Posted: 12/21/09      [12 Comments]
Alive   2503.07.08*  
Written By: Chris T.
Four cocoons opened, and One-Leg had lived to see it happen.
Posted: 01/01/10      [9 Comments]
Something Missing   2503.07.08*  
Written By: Chris T.
(2010 Howls Contest - Fletcher's Howl) A minor event becomes something grand.
Posted: 05/05/10      [11 Comments]
Shadowplay   2503.07.10*  
Written By: Joan Milligan
(2009 Sept/Oct Fic Trade) Fadestar and Crackle both have fears to face.
Posted: 04/01/10      [8 Comments]
Processing   2503.07.11*  
Written By: Linda Aarts
Fletcher’s death makes Fadestar realize what she wished for.
Posted: 03/18/10      [6 Comments]
Handprints for Hope   2503.07.12*  
Written By: Linda Aarts, Melanie D.
(2010 Jan/Feb Fic Trade) After Fletcher’s death, the unwrapped cubs want to support Brightwood.
Posted: 03/18/10      [7 Comments]
A Long, Difficult Path   2503.07.13*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Angie Cousins, Melanie D., Holly H., Mike H., Mareike Heilemann, Heidi Henderson, Stacy Lucas, Megan McCarthy, Ellen Million, Chris T., Whitney Ware
Fletcher's sudden death stirs doubts and memories, with far-reaching repercussions.
Posted: 02/22/10      [11 Comments]
Loss for Words   2503.07.13*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Chris T.
Recent events interfere with a word-hunt.
Posted: 03/05/10      [9 Comments]
Brightwood   2503.07.13*  
Written By: Rachel Vardys, Whitney Ware
Farscout had waited too long for his lifemate to lose Brightwood now, not like this, not without him there at his Recognized’s side...
Posted: 03/07/10      [13 Comments]
Second Best   2503.07.13*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
(2010 March/April Fic Trade) Thornbow knew far too keenly what it meant to feel like second best.
Posted: 04/19/10      [10 Comments]
The Morning After   2503.07.14*  
Written By: Holly H., Heidi Henderson, Chris T., Whitney Ware
In the aftermath of Brightwood's healing, Chief Windburn must decide what to do about Willow's actions.
Posted: 04/22/10      [9 Comments]
Survivors   2503.07.14*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
Brightwood begins her adjustment process to a new time and new tribe…
Posted: 05/23/10      [12 Comments]
With You   2503.07.14*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Heidi Henderson, Chris T.
Good or ill, you had to own the ripples of the rocks you threw into that big pond that was your life. Run away, and the ripples would turn to waves that would catch you up and try to drown you. And, High Ones, what Willow was facing now were definitely waves.
Posted: 05/23/10      [7 Comments]
Not Forgotten   2503.07.15*  
Written By: Trena Driessen
Goldspice mourns a lost friend … for the second time.
Posted: 05/20/10      [9 Comments]
The Lesson of the Last Healer   2503.07.15*  
Written By: Holly H., Heidi Henderson, Whitney Ware
The elders show Willow memories of Healer Owl’s last days in an attempt to show her why her recent actions angered so many in the tribe.
Posted: 09/14/10      [15 Comments]
Apologies   2503.07.15*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier, Heidi Henderson
(Graphic Story) (2011 Commented on All Art Prize) Just hours before Willow's sending-punishment for healing Brightwood without permission, the healer's lovemate, Beetle, is on her mind.
Posted: 06/04/14      [6 Comments]
Shaping a New Home   2503.07.16*  
Written By: Rachel Vardys, Whitney Ware
Brightwood grapples with waking up after centuries in wrapstuff by finding ways to grasp her new reality in both hands…
Posted: 05/26/10      [14 Comments]
Just One Chance   2503.07.22*  
Written By: Whitney Ware
(2010 Howls Contest - Brightwood's Howl)(May/June 2008 Fic Trade) Suddendusk tells the story of his first Recognition with Windsong.
Posted: 05/05/10      [11 Comments]
Woven, Retold   2503.07.22*  
Written By: Lyn Cavalier
(2010 Howls Contest - Brightwood's Howl) Brightwood is told about Cloudfern and Starskimmer's Recognition.
Posted: 05/05/10      [12 Comments]
Littlesong Grows   2503.07.22*  
Written By: Joan Milligan
(2010 Howls Contest - Brightwood's Howl) The story of Finch's naming.
Posted: 05/05/10      [12 Comments]
Too Many Tears   2503.07.24*  
Written By: Ellen Million
Honey makes changes in her life.
Posted: 01/29/10      [11 Comments]
As Tough as Leather   2503.08.30*  
Written By: Melanie D.
A simple set of leathers bears a challenge for Cloudfern.
Posted: 05/26/10      [10 Comments]
Fresh Perspective   2506.07.04*  
Written By: Rachel Vardys, Whitney Ware
Brightwood is not content to wait for the humans to find their way onto THIS side of the Thornwall...
Posted: 11/11/11      [10 Comments]
Coming to an Understanding   2506.09.26*  
Written By: Chris T., Rachel Vardys
One-Leg and Brightwood hash out their differing outlooks on humans.
Posted: 03/24/13      [6 Comments]

Artwork attached to this collection:
Most recently posted art is shown first.
Character names in bold are adoptable, click the link for more information!

Illo for "Brightwood" (2012 March/April Trade Angel)
Illo for "Brightwood" (2012 March/April Trade Angel)
Ellen Million

Illustration for "Handprints for Hope" (Jan/Feb 2010 art trade)
Illustration for "Handprints for Hope" (Jan/Feb 2010 art trade)
Melanie D.

Illustration for "Handprints for Hope"
Illustration for "Handprints for Hope"
Linda Aarts

Newt wakes (illo for "Waking Up")
Newt wakes (illo for "Waking Up")
Melanie D.

Cut (illo for "Imperfect")
Cut (illo for "Imperfect")
Melanie D.

Fadestar & Kestrel (July/Aug 2009 art trade)
Fadestar & Kestrel (July/Aug 2009 art trade)
Linda Aarts

Face fur? (Newt & One-Leg; illo for "Alive")
Face fur? (Newt & One-Leg; illo for "Alive")
Melanie D.

Linda Aarts

Honey (after awakening)
Honey (after awakening)
Ellen Million

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