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RIVER TWINE HOLT MEMBERSHIP RULES 1. All members must support their character through the submission of one piece of art or one or more written submissions (totaling 500 words or more) per annual quarter. Members who fail to participate for more than two quarters in a row may have their membership revoked. 2. Your writing & artwork MUST be your own original work! Plagiarism of any form (tracing someone else’s artwork or claiming someone else’s writing for your own) is grounds for immediate cancellation of your membership. We also request that all art & story submissions be directly related to River Twine Holt; we won’t print stories and artwork about characters living with another tribe, or about canon EQ personalities. (NOTE: recycled artwork and stories may be accepted -- consult with the Council of Five -- council@rivertwineholt.com). 3. Get the permission from a persona's owner before using someone else's persona in a story or a piece of artwork. Approval is required for the use of all personas not your own, so be sure that your stories or art are approved by that other member before you submit them to River Twine Holt. Please see below for what does and does not require approval; if you have any questions, please contact the Council of Five at the address listed above. 4. General site vs. adult site materials. In general, we have a PG-15 rating for our club, and members younger than 15 aren’t allowed to join. Any adult material must have a warning. Adult situations are fine if done appropriately. Nudity in art is acceptable if labeled. Sexual situations are fine if tastefully done. In short, porn or gore for gore’s own sake will not be tolerated. If you have questions or concerns, consult the Council of Five. 5. All members are required to join under their real identities; it's fine for members to participate under pseudonyms, but the Council needs to know a member's real name. Joining the club under false pretenses is grounds for immediate dismissal. Additionally, sockpuppeting a false membership is also grounds for immediate dismissal from the club. QUESTIONS? All questions can be directed to either council@rivertwine.com or help@rivertwine.com.
MESSAGE BOARD GUIDELINES 1. Be courteous. No flaming, name calling, insults, naggings or otherwise tormenting other members will be tolerated. Any issues that arise on the board need to be handled in a calm, adult manner. Board Moderators will remove/lock threads that contain abusive material. Members who flame / continue flame wars, will be removed from the group. 2. Post in the right board. Please make sure that what you are posting is placed in the right board. Each board is clearly marked. If you are uncertain please contact a board moderator, or a council member for help. If a post is placed in the wrong board, Board Moderators will move the thread into the appropriate board. 3. Members Only Board Access. The message boards are for members only. Do not share your password for non-members, or post for non-members on the board. Any non-members who wish to post something on the RTH board rooms must contact the Council of Five at council@rivertwine.com. Any posts made from/for non-members will be immediately removed, and the member who gave out their password/posted for the non-member will be removed from the group. The exception is when non-members have been welcomed to participate in publicly offered contests, and will be free to participate on the Contests forum on our message board. 4. Message Board concerns? If you are having any issues with other members on the board, or feel that you are being unfairly treated, please contact Council Member Heidi at willow@rivertwine.com.
COMMENT/WEBSITE FEEDBACK GUIDELINES: 1. Be Courteous. Do not post hurtful or mean comments on stories or art. Critiques are fine, but do not simply say 'This Sucks!'. Any comment that is made of this nature will be removed and the member will be removed from the group. 2. Avoid Fluff Posts -- please try not to post 'fluff posts' to the website. These are posts that consist of less then one sentence. For example, "'Wow cool!" counts as a fluff post. 3. Feedback concerns? If you are having any issues comments, or feel that you are being abused or unfairly treated, please contact Joan at crackle@rivertwine.com.
PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS If a member fails to support their character for a quarter, they will be given one warning and put on probation. If a member fails to meet the participation requirements for a second quarter, they will lose their membership, and their persona will become an NPC. NOTE: The Council doesn’t want to suspend memberships for lack of activity, and will do what it can to meet the needs of each member, but some consistent communication between an inactive member and the Council is required. If real life circumstances warrant it, the Council can waive this rule when appropriate and necessary, but the responsibility to remain in communication with the Council remains the responsibility of each individual member. Players who are removed due to inactivity may be refused future membership to River Twine Holt on a case by case basis. In general, however, River Twine welcomes back everyone who finds they can recommit to supporting a persona character in the club. SUBMISSIONS: Submissions need not feature your own persona; artwork and stories about other member’s characters will earn credit toward support for a member’s own character. (On the flip side – approving the use of your character in another member’s story, or approval their artwork, does not count toward your own annual requirement.) Stories should be submitted to stories@rivertwine.com; artwork should be submitted to artwork@rivertwine.com.
PERSONA UPDATES All CISs should be kept current, as characters grow and change as they are played. A mandatory CIS update period is held every June, during which members have a month in which to log into the website, review their character’s CIS, and update it accordingly. The webbase will automatically track all updates, and the council member who heads up our Character Approval Team will receive automatic notification from the system of all changes to a CIS. Additionally, CISs can be updated throughout the year, as a member feels motivated to do so. If you have any questions, please contact Leonie at cisadmin@rivertwine.com.
REWARDS SYSTEM: Because we believe that our members should be rewarded for contributing to River Twine Holt, the following rewards system is in place for all members: Three awards will be given each season, in the categories of Art, Fiction, and Member. Every quarter, the Council of Five will collectively decide which member should receive the Art and Fiction awards, based largely on who has earned the most points in that category during the quarter. The Member Award will go to a member who has actively participated throughout the quarter above and beyond the normal rate of activity. The Member Award is generally based upon the amount of points that a person receives in a quarter. The awards will be given out 'seasonally' as follows: • Winter: March 21st • Spring: June 21st • Summer: September 21st • Fall: December 21st Once you have received an Art, Fiction or Member award during the course of a year, you cannot receive that award again during that year. The club’s administrative team, the Council of Five, keeps track of participation through a points system that works as described below. Points earned each quarter are tallied toward regular quarterly participation awards: (See “Rewards” in section bellow) STORY POINTS: Written submissions are counted on a point-per-page basis, with 650 words equaling one page; poetry is counted as 1/2 point per five lines (see "Poetry Points" below for exceptions); artwork may be worth from ½ point to 2 points in value, depending on the individual effort. See “Art Points” below. When multiple authors have participated in a collaborative stories, the story itself is worth only as many points as there are pages. Those points will be divided equally among the authors involved, unless the authors jointly indicate otherwise. ART POINTS: A single piece of art may take its creator as much time as an author takes to write a story. There is no true way to faithfully rate artwork in our point-per-page system, as each artist varies dramatically in style. The best we can accomplish is the following: • Simple sketch = ½ point • Finished piece (b&w or color) = 1 point • Showcase effort = 2 points A simple sketch is an unfinished piece of work or something that is clearly either incomplete or stated by the artist as being 'unfinished'. “Doll” art is always considered “sketch” value. A finished piece can be in black or white or in color; the artist has clearly finished with it, if you feel that a piece that you have done should be considered finished, though others may not, please indicate this in your e-mail. In a showcase effort, the artwork is rich in detail beyond the central figure; the background is very well developed, or a full story is told within the frame of the picture. Showcase efforts need not be in color. (The difference between a showcase piece and a finished piece is simply the amount of 'other' elements that have gone into the piece itself.) NOTE: The submitting artist should inform the Art Director what category the artist believes a piece falls under. You will assign your own points because none of us are qualified to rate another’s effort. What takes one person a few minutes, could take another a few days. Just try to be honest with how you feel about your work. The Council of Five reserves the right to alter points if the system is being abused. If the submitting artist does not inform the Art Director how they think their piece should be awarded points, the Art Director reserves the right to award points as she sees fit. [b]Recycled art policy: [/b]River Twine Holt will gladly accept recycled art (art first created by the artist for a purpose other than RTH), but RTH reserves the right of how (or if) to apply it toward historical NPCs. Recycled art is always counted as 1/2 participation points, and recycled art cannot be applied toward the quarterly participation requirements. No more than eight pieces/four points of recycled art will be counted per quarter towards our seasonal participation awards. POETRY POINTS: Poetry is generally considered to be worth .5 points per poem. However, if a member believes their poem is longer than usual, a personal masterwork, or otherwise demonstrates more effort, they may request more points, to a maximum of 2. Final point distribution is decided by the story approval team. OTHER FORMS OF PARTICIPATION: Message board & website comment participations can add up to cover a total of a member’s quarterly participation requirements. Note – no more than 3 points quarter can be earned through this participation. Message Board Participation Credit • Exceptionally Active (60 'non-fluff' posts on the board room per month. See below for an explanation for 'fluff') = 1.5 participation credit • Very Active (30 'non-fluff' posts on the board room per month) = 1 participation credit per month. • Average Activity (15 'non-fluff' posts on the board per month) = .5 participation credit per month. • 14 or less 'non-fluff' posts on the board per month result in no participation credit. Website Comments Participation Credits • Exceptionally Active ('non-fluff' comments on all artwork and stories uploaded in a month) = 1.5 credits per month. • Very Active ('non-fluff' comments on 85-99% of all artwork and stories uploaded in a month) = 1 credit per month. • Average Active ('non-fluff' comments on 50-85% of all artwork and stories uploaded in a month) = .5 credit per month. • Less than 50% comments left of all artwork and stories uploaded in a month result in no extra participation credits. (Fluff posts are posts consisting of non-substantial comments, such as simply 'wow cool' or 'yeah' or "you rock" or 'just what I was thinking'. Non-fluff posts give some direct feedback regarding the work, something that can be of use to the author or artists. For example, "Wow I really like this, the eyes are great, the hair is beautiful and you've done a wonderful job with the shading." is much more useful to the artist than saying "Wow, I like this."')
LEAVING THE CLUB: If at any time a member wishes to leave Rivertwine Holt, please contact the Council of Five at council@rivertwineholt.com to discuss your options. Returning members. Members who wish to return to River Twine Holt are welcomed back with open arms. Returning members will be treated the same as any other new member -- they will be welcome to adopt any of the available characters. (Previously owned personas will not be removed from another member in order to be returned to a returning member.) All artwork and stories previously submitted will be relinked to a returning member. However, returning members are required to rejoin under their original name & identity. Sockpuppeting (operating an email account under false pretenses, or rejoining under false pretenses) will be grounds for immediate expulsion.