River Twine Halloween (2013 AU Costume Party Challenge)
Holly H.

Artist note: This piece is a challenge entry in the 2013 AU Costume Party Contest -- see the collection for more entries!

This is one of those cases where I had this idea for an entry for the AU Costume Party contest… but absolutely no time to get it done for the contest deadline. But I did not want to just give up on doing it (as I usually do when that happens); I wanted to finish it. So here it is, quite belated, as a challenge piece on the contest theme.

I also realized somewhat too late that I had leaned more heavily on people coming to a party dressed as media or book characters, when I could have used a wider variety of costumes. All I can say is that dressing up as a tv or movie or book character *IS* a pretty popular choice for Halloween, so… yeah.

Newt as Harry Potter (the boy who lived!), with Moonwing pressed into service as a messenger-owl. One-Leg as Mad-Eye Moody from "Harry Potter" (an idea that Chris floated several years ago that I'd wanted to get around to doing). Crackle as Merida from "Brave". Cinder as Captain America. Rill as Max from "Where the Wild Things Are". Blacksnake as Thorin Oakenshield from "The Hobbit". Farscout as Wash from "Firefly" and Brightwood as Zoe from "Firefly" (at Whit's request). Copper as Alice from "Alice in Wonderland", with Bearkiller as the White Rabbit. Starskimmer as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (an American 1980s TV horror-anthology hostess; and Kyna's idea, but which was also one of my top picks); and Chicory as Bilbo Baggins from "The Hobbit".

River Twine Halloween (2013 AU Costume Party Challenge)

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