The Pack's Genealogy

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Below is a relatively recent genealogy for the tribe's pack, covering the parents of all current living (and recently deceased) wolves. Lists under each alpha pair indicate surviving wolves born to that pair; groups in parentheses indicate littermates.

???? - 2484 -- Thumb wolfpix foxbane.jpg Foxbane (f. Bearheart) x Thumb wolfpix crookfoot.jpg Crookfoot (m. Birdcatcher)

- Half-tail, Sky, Spirit, Darkpelt

2484 -- forest fire; both alphas die.

2484 - 2486 -- Thumb wolfpix mudpelt.jpg Mudpelt (f. Kestrel) x Thumb wolfpix rockbite.jpg Rockbite (m. Bowflight)

- (Wasp, Icemane), Duskgreeter

2486 -- Mudpelt reaches old age, and births a stillborn litter. She is challenged by a beta-female, who supplants her as alpha. Rockbite loses his own alpha status when the new alpha female Moonmist accepts a different male as alpha.

2486 - 2490 -- Thumb wolfpix moonmist.jpg Moonmist (f. Pathmark) x Thumb wolfpix cubsitter.jpg Cubsitter (m. True Edge)

- (Whirl, Longtooth, Mooncrier, Thief), (Starlight, Bristlepelt), (Growler, Sleuth, Soot, Weasel),

2490 -- Moonmist is killed somehow, producing a similar shake-up of the pack. A new alpha female, Starfire, takes her place, and goes for a new alpha male.

2490 - 2494 -- Thumb wolfpix starfire.jpg Starfire (f. Snowfall) x Thumb wolfpix wasp.jpg Wasp (m. Blacksnake)

- Beauty, Autumnleaf, (Bonetrail, Briarfoot, Halfmoon), (Charm, Lightjaw, Silverbite)

2494 -- Starfire is killed, Whirl moves up as alpha, but she accepts Wasp as her alpha too.

2494 - 2511 -- Thumb wolfpix whirl.jpg Whirl (f. Windburn) x Thumb wolfpix wasp.jpg Wasp (m. Blacksnake)

- Peakrunner, Murkfur, Patchface, (Slychase, Splash), (Muddypaws, Tenor), (Browncoat, Flea, Flysnap), (Redbrush, Rooter), Pounce, (Fumble, Sunsoak), Windswift, (Frostback, Brindlefur), (Softjoy, Fireweed, Longhowl), Silversong

2511 -- Wasp is killed, Starlight challenges Whirl for alpha and kills her, and accepts Halfmoon as her alpha.

2511 - present -- Thumb wolfpix starlight.jpg Starlight (f. Kestrel) x Thumb wolfpix halfmoon.jpg Halfmoon (m. Evervale)

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